BTW... Mr Taylor's and T&H Grafton are very close to each other scent wise, IMHO
Thank you for the insights in this crazy world of british creams!BTW... Mr Taylor's and T&H Grafton are very close to each other scent wise, IMHO
i just acquired Shaving Shop cream this year. It's gone again? Mr Taylor's is wonderful. Just like T&H Grafton scent wise, IMHOMy favorite TOBS cream was Shaving Shop, which appears to be discontinued and, to my knowledge was never sold in a puck form.
I do enjoy Mr Taylor's.
The lavender cream is wonderful!I don't have the experience of many here, and one reason is that once I used the Lavender. I stopped sampling.
Gonna add A&E Pamplemousse to the wish list.My favorite is the only one I have thus far, Grapefruit, which by the way, pairs very nicely with A&E Pamplemousse aftershave splash.
Shaving Shop is available. Just purchased from Top of the Chain this past week. Excellent performance.My favorite TOBS cream was Shaving Shop, which appears to be discontinued and, to my knowledge was never sold in a puck form.
I do enjoy Mr Taylor's.
Is Royal Forest a piney scent?I use Royal Forest occasionally…nice.