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Favorite blades in a Gillette NEW LC?

I recently purchased a NEW LC and am looking for suggestions about what blade I should start test-driving with. My typical, daily set up is a Med Prep in an EJ89 head with IKON Bulldog II handle.

Understanding YMMV, I guess I'm trying to figure out what 3 or 4 blades seem to be most popular with NEW LC users and begin there.

Thanks for any input...
I like IP Blues ('Crystals'), Personna Labs, or Astras. But, I like those in nearly every razor. I would just experiment a bit with your go-to blades. Let us know how it works out!
The two best blades in mine have the Lab Blue and the Gillette Silver Blue. They were both excellent performers in my EJ89 as well so your Med Preps will probably perform very well in the NEW. I've neglected my EJ ever since the my NEW arrived. You're in for some great shaves.
I have tried Astra SP, Super Iridiums, Shark Super Chrome, Med Preps, and Gillette Silver Blues. They were all good, but the NEW LC with the GSBs is special.
GSB's, Polisilvers, Voshkod's and Astra's are my 4. GSB really is something special in the NEW and so are the Polisilver's.
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