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Fatboy, Slim... How longdo they last?

What's the longest anybody has actually used a Fatboy or a Slim here? For example, used for 3 years, sat in a closet for 40 years, take out and used for 2 years would be total 5 years use. I realize that most folks got their Fat/Slim used, so just count the years you've had the razor and amount of use the razor got in your rotation.

While they are built like tanks, are they built to be in service 10, 20, 30 40 years? They are simple machines after all and machines do wear out.
Well...in all fairness, it's a machine that's used probably less than an hour a week...so, 52 hours per year. So, in the big scheme of things, if you can get 5200 hours out of it, you should be good.
Personally, my first three Gillette Adjustable razors were all purchased new, while in production, between 1965 and 1970. That's 42 years, maybe 43, for the standard length SA, and 48 for the oldest Slim. I shaved a minimum of six days a week from 1962 through 1993, so 31 years for two (the spare Slim stayed tucked into its place in my toiletries carrier for use when traveling).

Between 1993 and 2011, I only used one of them once a week, while rush-shaving the rest of the week with a Sensor razor system. If any of those oldest three have any wear, it just isn't visible. I've added additional razors to my inventory since last December, and the only adjustable among them is a longer- handled SA from 1979/1980, with the black plastic base under the head. I have hardly used it, but it's practically new looking.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Have you ever heard of one wearing out? If they are not mistreated, they should be good to go for 50 to 100 years of daily use. A three piece should last pretty much forever if the threads are kept clean and lubricated. The plating will wear off, but who cares? I do know that my first Super Adjustable was used daily for over 10 years and still looked new when I grew a beard and gave the razor away.
Have you ever heard of one wearing out? If they are not mistreated, they should be good to go for 50 to 100 years of daily use. A three piece should last pretty much forever if the threads are kept clean and lubricated. The plating will wear off, but who cares? I do know that my first Super Adjustable was used daily for over 10 years and still looked new when I grew a beard and gave the razor away.

I suspect the spring on the TTO mechanism is the weakest part and will eventually go (could be 50 to 100 years of daily use). I'm just looking to see if anyone has actually seen one wear out due to normal use.
Dropping razors can be a longevity issue. I've dropped razors before in the wet, slippery shave process. Because "adjustables" are more mechanical and, in a way, more delicate, can suffer more from dropping than a Tech.
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