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Where do you work, might I ask? Sounds tasty....


Currently I am a Chef de Cuisine at a local university. Since I took the position I have completly changed the quality of food they serve. Everything is made from scratch and top quality. Catering is where I get to play around and really shine.
Currently I am a Chef de Cuisine at a local university. Since I took the position I have completly changed the quality of food they serve. Everything is made from scratch and top quality. Catering is where I get to play around and really shine.

Very cool. Since you're the creative foodie type, do you have a good eggnog recipe for us, something with a twist? :001_smile
You can add a little pumpkin and some pumpkin pie spice for a twist and of course the spirit of your choice.

Mmmm very nice! I am thinking of making coquito, and reserving some of the mixture to use as a base for other coconut drinks. I also want to make some herbal/coconut mixtures, say lemongrass, mint, rosemary, basil...let those steep for a few days, and then use those as base for other drinks. A coconut margarita on the rocks is delightful. Granted, better served in warm weather but the time for experimentation is now :001_tongu
Currently I am a Chef de Cuisine at a local university. Since I took the position I have completly changed the quality of food they serve. Everything is made from scratch and top quality. Catering is where I get to play around and really shine.

Lucky students. University cuisine is notoriously bad, and I never feel like it has to be.

We actually did have one fairly good dining establishment, won lots of awards and stuff. But actually, only about two things there were good enough that I would have paid real money.

You can add a little pumpkin and some pumpkin pie spice for a twist and of course the spirit of your choice.

I used to hate spirits in eggnog. Then, I discovered that I was not supposed to be making a cocktail-strength drink, but just adding a bit of flavor. So now, instead of a jigger of whiskey or rum, I use about a tablespoon. Yum! :001_tongu

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