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ebay razors.

For 3 bucks shipped per razor you're wondering how well you did?? You did great. It's a pretty good starter set for someone wanting to figure out what they like. You got the E type schick injector, two SE's (micromatic on the left?), a gillette OC (New?) and two TTO's. You'll spend more on blades for the razors than you did on the razors.


very good.....you got a G type /Eversharp/Schick 1946-55, Slim Twist g1000 1998 , Super speed/40's, GEM Micrmatic model G 1942, GEM Flying Wing 1947-48, all good.
Heck, I paid more for my first superspeed. One razor!

Those gem micromatics look to be in pretty good shape. Join us over in the SE forum for hints n tips.
That straight tip Super Speed alone would make what you paid for the lot worth it, the NEW and everything else is pure gravy.
BTW heads up when they arrive as it looks like you've got at least one and maybe more coming in hot.
For certain the ball handle NEW (bottom row #3) has a blade in it,the injector (top row #1)looks hot as well as the silver SE (bottom row #1) so watch yourself.
Those vintage blades might be useable provide there's no rust,the top blades in the Gillette pack look like you may have to blade bank the first couple blades as well as the top pack of Wilke's look to have rust showing through
the one with the beige/white handle is corroded solid or maybe im trying to take it apart wrong.
the sword blades were clean no rust the rest not sure as soon as i got home from the root canal today i cleaned them up with a toothbrush/alcohol and went straight into the bathroom to try it out.. i think i love the blue handle i cant wait to try the rest. ill post up some pics later :)
the one with the beige/white handle is corroded solid or maybe im trying to take it apart wrong.
You don't need to take it apart...and probably will break it if you do. I'm assuming you don't have an injector blade cartridge, so what you need to do is take a small, flat-bladed screwdriver and wedge it into the side of the razor head (the area above the blade). This will release the pressure that's holding the blade in place. Push the blade out with another screwdriver or other flat implement and pull it out with a pair of pliers. (Don't try to pull out the blade with your bare hand unless you enjoy surgical stitches!) Once the blade is out, you should be able to get rid of any dirt and gunk that's inside the head.
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