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Dollar Store Old Spice

Dear Friends,

Could someone help me find information about the "Dollar Store" Old Spice that is very close to the Original stuff. I have been looking for this stuff at Dollar General and Dollar tree, with no success. I do appreciate it if anyone who could help me.
I believe mine came from Family Dollar, Ivy Club it's called for $1.60. Smells pretty good but disappears almost instantly. I use it mainly to add to Williams or VDH soap and use the genuine Old Spice cologne if I want to dazzle the missus.
It's called "Ivy Club" brand and says "Spice" on the label. It comes in a tan colored plastic bottle with a black top. The bottle bears a faint resemblance to a bottle of Old Spice. I have found it at the "Family Dollar" store but have always payed closer to two dollars.
Dear Friends,

Could someone help me find information about the "Dollar Store" Old Spice that is very close to the Original stuff. I have been looking for this stuff at Dollar General and Dollar tree, with no success. I do appreciate it if anyone who could help me.

I know it's confusing, but neither of those dollar chains carry it currently. It's only at Family Dollar. Family Dollar has an Ivy Club Brut clone and an Ivy Club Old Spice clone.

Dollar General carries an Aqua Velva clone, a Brut clone, as well as Barbasol Brisk (Skin Bracer clone) and Pacific Rush.

Dollar Tree carries whatever they get in that week..
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If you're looking for the Ivy Club "Spice" AS version for around $1.60, Family Dollar is the place to go. If you can't find a FD store near you another option is to go to your local CVS, where you can find the exact same product in a house brand for around $5.00 a bottle. If you're in doubt, turn the bottle over and look for a tiny "Vi-Jon" script logo on the bottom. Need I say that Family Dollar is where I get mine?
I know it's confusing, but neither of those dollar chains carry it currently. It's only at Family Dollar. Family Dollar has an Ivy Club Brut clone and an Ivy Club Old Spice clone.

Dollar General carries an Aqua Velva clone, a Brut clone, as well as Barbasol Brisk and Pacific Rush.

Dollar Tree carries whatever they get in that week..

You, dear Friend, have been very helpful! I was beginning to think that my posts were somehow being blocked, even though I have contributed to this site. Thank you very much for your help.:thumbup:
You, dear Friend, have been very helpful! I was beginning to think that my posts were somehow being blocked, even though I have contributed to this site. Thank you very much for your help.:thumbup:

Since your in FW you can come down to Cleburne or Burleson they have Family Dollar Stores. Google for locations and directions.
I was recently was able to secure a bottle of this product. It is a bit light and has a hard powdery presence to it. It is good.
99 Cent Only stores sometimes have Yacht Club Spice A/S which is exactly the one at Family Dollar. Same bottle except that it doesn't have the splash insert in the mouth. But it's only 99 cents + tax.
Dear Friends,

Could someone help me find information about the "Dollar Store" Old Spice that is very close to the Original stuff. I have been looking for this stuff at Dollar General and Dollar tree, with no success. I do appreciate it if anyone who could help me.

Rite Aid now has the same stuff, though @ $4.99, it's more expensive, but I'm sure it's the same stuff as the Ivy Club Spice.

They also have Vi-jon knock-offs of Skin Bracer and Aqua Velva.
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Rite Aid now has the same stuff, though @ $4.99, it's more expensive, but I'm sure it's the same stuff as the Ivy Club Spice.

They also have Vi-jon knock-offs of Skin Bracer and Aqua Velva.

Yes, I was about to say that same thing. The Rite Aid label AV is the same as the Swan AV knock off at the Dollar General.

Vi-Jon actually has a pretty tight squeeze on the "generic" market. Any store I go to whether it is Kroger, Associated Foods, K-mart, Walgreens or otherwise owned has Vi-Jon aftershaves all in the exact same bottles with different labels. This makes me wonder if there is any variation between formulations. I know that some of them are the exact same, but are all of them?

By the way, I happen to think that Vi-Jon's Swan is better scented than AV, their Ivy Club is better scented than Brut, and their Barbasol Brisk is 10X better than Skin Bracer on all counts. They are all definitely worth the buy :thumbup:.
Yes, I was about to say that same thing. The Rite Aid label AV is the same as the Swan AV knock off at the Dollar General.

Vi-Jon actually has a pretty tight squeeze on the "generic" market. Any store I go to whether it is Kroger, Associated Foods, K-mart, Walgreens or otherwise owned has Vi-Jon aftershaves all in the exact same bottles with different labels. This makes me wonder if there is any variation between formulations. I know that some of them are the exact same, but are all of them?

By the way, I happen to think that Vi-Jon's Swan is better scented than AV, their Ivy Club is better scented than Brut, and their Barbasol Brisk is 10X better than Skin Bracer on all counts. They are all definitely worth the buy :thumbup:.

I love the VJ Spice, but I don't about Brisk being 10x better than Skin Bracer. The Bracer is pretty much awesome.
i saw a bottle of ivy club spice on ebay a few days ago, going for around 3 bucks and change!

has anyone tried men's choice spice? i saw some at the 99 cent store? is it worth the buck?:001_smile
Yes, the Spice , and there are at least 2 other versions there that I do not remember the names of, at 99 cent store are good also. A bottle lasts a long time. Only negative is that when the cap is removed, the opening to the bottle is rather large. So I usually decant into a more usable bottle.
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