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Doesn't anybody polish their shoes anymore?

I can't believe the number of people I see on the train in the morning heading to work that have a suit and tie on, and shoes that look like they were stolen from a homeless shelter. How hard is it to give them a clean and polish once a week? It seems like another one of those simple tasks that has fallen by the wayside.


"Got Shoes?"
I brush my shoes off before I put them on and when I take them off and use the local cobbler for a nice shoe shine.

Take care of your shoes and they will take care of you. :thumbup1:
I was taught to do this years ago by my father. One of the most relaxing activities in a week for me. And it isn't just the finished product...it is the whole ritual of the shine.
I can't believe the number of people I see on the train in the morning heading to work that have a suit and tie on, and shoes that look like they were stolen from a homeless shelter. How hard is it to give them a clean and polish once a week? It seems like another one of those simple tasks that has fallen by the wayside.

I agree, I see guys all the time wearing dress shoes that have mud and dirt on them. I'm always wiping off my shoes at work when I go to the restroom and normally clean and polish them every couple of weeks.

I picked up one just like this at a local antique store and love doing my shoes on it
It's funny, I dress business casual most of the time but one thing I am anal about more so than a well ironed shirt is caring for my shoes. I polish my regular wear shoes and Blundstone boots once a week and doing so extends their life. I have two pairs of Sebego Penny Loafers, one black and the other brown/burgundy, they are over ten years old re-soled twice and they still look almost new.
I polish my shoes once or twice a month and use an electrical buffer most days as I leave the house


The wife's investment
Maybe they figure no one looks at their shoes. But then why not wear sneakers?

When you find the man who cares what his shoes look like, there is a man well worthy of considering doing business with.
I can't believe the number of people I see on the train in the morning heading to work that have a suit and tie on, and shoes that look like they were stolen from a homeless shelter. How hard is it to give them a clean and polish once a week? It seems like another one of those simple tasks that has fallen by the wayside.

Can't stand that either...I polish them every day. It's often better not wearing shoes than shoes that are absolutely C***p, dusty and look like they came from a garbage can :thumbdown. Especially when they are clashing with the nice suit.

What is also annoying is the way some guys wear their ties!! What's that about?? Loosey goosey, the knot looking more like scrambled eggs than a tie. How hard is it to look good and put some effort into: 1) shining shoes, 2) tying a decent looking knot?

Don't even get me started on belts...sometimes you'll see a great looking suit, good or decent shoes, and then there's THE BELT!!! what a nightmare...it seems like it fallen at the seams :confused:.



The wife's investment
I try to keep them up, but sometimes life gets in the way.

I prefer a high gloss shine, but like you pointed out, there are those days... On those days a quick brush buff will still look better than the cow pasture look. If you have several pairs of dress shoes, well just wear one of the others.

Once you have started a polishing routine, maintaining that shine is a lot less work.
I agree that shining or bulling shoes is one of those Gentle manly rituals that seem have gone in decline.

Infact a good pair of shoes can you make a cheap suit look good a but even a good suit looks cheap if worn with cheap or badly kept shoes.

My SO has informed me that the two things women check out to gauge how well a man looks after then selves are if they have clean well kept shoes and nails.

I bull my shoes regularly, especially if traveling for business a good way to reflect on your day and plan the next. and find it one of the most relaxing of tasks.


I had three equally qualified candidates for a good job- The young man whom had his suit tailored and shoes shined got the job.
I learned early on in my career that polish and a good shine not only makes my boots look more professional, but keeps stuff like blood, feces, vomit, etc. from soaking into the leather.
Have a pair of bates uniform shoes for my Class A uniforms always shined before they're put on if nothing else dusted off. Same goes with the shoes I wear when wearing a suit and my boots for work, although the boots don't shine well.
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