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Does TOBS Eton College cream still come in the blue tub?

I was under the impression that they changed the Eton cream to a white tub, but the one I got in the mail today from WCS is in a blue tub? I'm confused, lol.
Its a dark blue-gray tub and says "parabens free" on the bottom by the UPC code. So maybe its the new one!
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The previous tubs of Eton College I've seen were a brighter blue, this one is a darker grayish-blue.
If it was an old tub would that mean that its scent has faded?

I can't imagine that the scent would have faded unless the tub was seriously old. I was shopping in Berlin earlier this week and wanted to grab some more Eton College- sadly, I think that the store that I was in had almost every other version of TOBS Cream....... but not Eton College :-(
I sent an email to TOBS and got the following:

Dear Mr. *****,

Thank you for your email.

We are pleased to inform you that you have our 'New' Parabens Free Eton College Shaving Cream.

Kindest Regards,

Paul Chessell
Taylor of Old Bond Street
T:+44 (0)20 79305544/5321
F:+44 (0)20 7930 8482
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.tayloroldbondst.co.uk
I am also wondering if they have changed the scent of the cream to match the Eton College cologne more closely.
It looks just like the old blue tubs but the color is in between blue and grey, not like the bright blue bowls they had earlier, definitely a classier look.
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