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Does a mild razor equal less ingrown hairs?

I posted in the general discussion forum concerning my ordeal with ingrown hairs. Someone had mentioned trying a more mild razor. I currently shave with a merkur 11c (open comb HD). I used to shave with a safety bar HD. I don't get any irritation from the actual shave, but every few days I get red bumps from ingrown hairs. My girlfriend then has to spend some time freeing them for me. (It's funny. She hates when I ask her to do it, but once I start wincing in pain, she seems to enjoy it.) After they heal, I shave. And the process starts all over again. I have just ordered a gillette tech in hopes that one pass, with a mild shaver, would result in longer hair, which would decrease the odds of an ingrown hair. I get the ones that never leave the skin. Not the ones that grow out and into the next follicle.
It seems like my logic is sound, but does anyone have any real world experience to prove or disprove my assumption?
Thanks in advance.
I am just beginning, I am using a Parker 91R with Feathers, and I have found, just like in the past, that shaving in different directions will give me different results. I generally get ingrown hairs on the sides of my neck, as opposed to my adams apple area, and it is usually when I hurry and go cross grain or agaist in a few places. I just shaved yesterday morning, and I was very careful to go with the grain, and it pays off.

So, not to disprove your theory, but I think it is possible to get ingrown hairs with ANY razor, it is more about prep, technique, and patience.
Ingrown hairs are a particularly bad issue for me. In my experience, a really sharp blade like a Feather and a really close shave seem to be the combination that causes them. My theory is that the sharp blade leaves a "sharp" whisker behind -- and that sharp edge catches on the skin, esp. in the close shaves.
I go very slowly, and make one pass with the grain.

A milder razor might help. Your purchase will quickly settle that. You don't mention your preparation. I believe that no matter what razor you use, mild or aggresive, a lack of cushion and slickness will lead to problems.

i would say its more about technique than equipment, but a milder razor cant hurt.

still, you should be able to get a shave without ingrowns with your razor. keep in mind that ingrowns are caused when hair is cut below the skin, so make sure you dont stretch too much, and your pressure is super light.. also double check the direction of your beard growth
You also did not mention your prep. I have found that a good face wash in the shower (I use olive oil soap, exclusively), and a minimum of 2 minutes of face lathering is really helpful. First, an olive oil soap cleans without excessive drying, allowing the whiskers to be more hydrated. The face lathering for an extended period of time saturates the whiskers, and allows the product to really get in between the skin and the whiskers, leading to a smoother shave.

On a side note, I got ingrowns on the corners of my mouth with a Mach III.
Since I switched to a DE (Merkur Progress), and moderately aggressive blades (red personnas), I have not gotten one ingrown.
... I have found that a good face wash in the shower (I use olive oil soap, exclusively), and a minimum of 2 minutes of face lathering is really helpful. First, an olive oil soap cleans without excessive drying, allowing the whiskers to be more hydrated. The face lathering for an extended period of time saturates the whiskers, and allows the product to really get in between the skin and the whiskers, leading to a smoother shave.

That´s what I do. Without a shower bevore shave I wash the face with the "Duru" soap that contains olive oil - that helps the skin to hold his moisture and let the whiskers soaking.
After that face lathering for 4 minutes to soften the hairs completely :thumbup1: .

To do so prepare the beard the shave should be very smooth & clean every day.


I typically shower and use a gentle face wash. I then face lather for a couple of minutes and shave. I have tried several other more elaborate pre shave rituals with the same result.
My shaves are great. I just ingrown hairs every couple days.
Would my prep really affect getting ingrown hairs?
I have problem spots on either side of my chin where the hair seems to grow totally flat against the skin, like parallel.

Have you tried many different blades? Some just irritate me more than others and it doesn't seem to be related to how close the shave is necessarily.
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