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Do you use a scuttle?

Do you use a shaving scuttle

  • Yes

  • No

  • What the $&#% is a scuttle?

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Needs milk and a bidet!
Just schooled myself on a scuttle. Sounds very intriguing. In fact I like the idea a lot! Wondering how popular they are among other shavers. To me it kills two birds with one stone. Soaking the brush and working up a lather afterward. I usually soak in the sink first. No telling how much water that wastes :(
I like warm lather, so I use a scuttle, though I do not use it to build lather.
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Since I tried cold water shaving, I have realized that warm lather is not as important for my face as I thought. Now I just shoot for warm and get a great shave just as before, so the scuttle it a bit obsolete for me. YMMV, enjoy your shave!
I consider my scuttle to be as an essential part of wet shaving as the brush and soap. The artisan scuttles have been reviewed here quite extensively and many members own them. How often do you see them go up on the BST? Once it becomes part of your routine, it seems like something is missing if you don't use it.
I voted "No" because I think you're interested in the large bowl-type scuttles. I have a small one that I use only as a brush scuttle. I face lather, but the brush scuttle keeps the lather warm throughout the shave.
I use mine some of the time. If we are lucky enough to get any kind of cooler weather here in the southeast USA this winter I'll use it a lot more frequently.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I don't even use a bowl (well, except to hold a bunch of samples I still have). I may consider a scuttle later, when I have more room.
I voted no because I don't always use it. Technically I have two, a DB1 and one my wife bought me on Etsy. It's not bad, but the brush and razor stand that came with it are absolute rubbish. I may end up flogging the DB1 to get a bigger one, but I'm not sure yet, I'll see how things turn out.

The scuttle you linked to looks suspiciously like a Dirt Bird.
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I don't have a proper scuttle. I do lather in a bowl and recently have started face lathering. I hope to get a scuttle for Christmas.

During the summer with the AC blowing, the air is too dry and dries the lather out too quickly, so I shave in the shower.
When it cools off, then yes... I loves me some nice warm lather from my G5!
I've got 2. A DB and a G5.
Both very nice, both do their job well and both rarely if ever used because I face lather most of the time.
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