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Do we "over-prep?"

Ever since I started taking more of an interest in shaving, I had been applying a hot, damp face cloth to my face for several minutes before lathering up or occasionally using a shave oil first. I thought it was a good idea.

This morning, I overslept slightly (unusual for me) and to save time, I skipped the hot face cloth and the shave oil and just went straight to the Erasmic. I got the best, most comfortable shave I can ever remember using a Bic single blade (my weapon of choice for weekday mornings) which is on it's eighth shave. I done WTG and XTG. I applied the Alum block and didn't even feel the slightest tingle and my face is pretty much BBS apart from a few areas with slight stubble on my next but I didn't have time for a touch up.

I'm starting to question the need for the whole hot towel routine. Does anyone else find this?
Never do it. Tried it a few times, but it made no difference to the comfort or quality of my shave.

For some, it's neccessary or helpful. Every face is different.
In my opinion, the hot towel is redundant if you shave immediately after a shower. It's easier to warm up your face and get it good and wet without hassling with a towel. I don't use a pre-shave oil either. I think simply using a brush with real soap or cream goes a long way, as does re-lathering between passes.

I would not describe myself as having sensitive skin, though.
In my opinion, the hot towel is redundant if you shave immediately after a shower. It's easier to warm up your face and get it good and wet without hassling with a towel. I don't use a pre-shave oil either. I think simply using a brush with real soap or cream goes a long way, as does re-lathering between passes.

I would not describe myself as having sensitive skin, though.


I have some Proraso Pre/Post, but I have only used it twice. And then more for the cooling kick than anything.


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I do the towel or would do the towel if I don't take a shower. If I walk in from work and need to shave without a shower, then yes, towel. Otherwise, the shower is good enough to prep my beard.
I think the hot towel, which comes from the barbershop, is more meant to replace a hot shower on your face, which would be inconvenient in a barber chair. :lol:

I like the feel of the hot towel, though. It is very pampering. I'm just too damned lazy to do it.
i think the 'trouble' with over-prepping is softening of the skin rather than the bristle...that's when it can become a negative, and the shaving cream is also a good prep.
If I shower first, no towel.
If no shower, then towel.
On some rare occasions I skip it, but usually pay with a shave that is a tad rougher then usual.
Just to clarify that I didn't shower before shaving, i do that at night. I have learned over the years that a shower or bath directly before a shave is a recipe for major irritation on my skin.
I found that preparation does help my shaving. I apply pre-shave cream to the area and I have noticed that I get less nicks and irritation than when I don't. This is not, however, a significant reduction. Regardless, if you have good technique and lather, you can certainly skip the preparation step without much impact to the shave.
I stand by the pre treatment of some kind. I have a shower in the morining and depending on what cream i'm using, I use Proraso pre shave cream.
If i'm using something like Trumpers or MWF then a shower seems to be enough.
The amount of prep required before a shave depends, to an extent, on the beard type of the shaver. Remember, soft whiskers cut easier than hard ones. When I was younger, my beard was relatively soft as it grew out and and was fairly easy to cut. However, my skin also was soft and easy to cut! I longed for the days my beard and skin would toughen up. I'd be a real man. Now I'm past 60. I hardly ever cut my self while shaving anymore, but my beard is like 60 grit sandpaper, even immediately after a shower. Even Feather blades have a difficult time mowing my whiskers down if I don't do a good prep.

I will admit that a barbershop prep is not necessarily required for daily home shaving. I've read old barbering textbooks. The barbershop prep was meant for the customer off the street who was not a daily shaver. Barbers were also advised to shave their customers only WTG to avoid possible irritation and ingrown hairs. BBS was not the norm 100 years ago. Heck, I even remember, in the 50s, Dad would shave twice a day if was taking Mom out for a night on the town.

I suppose what we aim to achieve is to soften the whiskers so they cut easily but not to soften the skin to prevent it from cutting easily. Some sort of happy medium is required.
I'm sure millions will say anyone prepared to talk about shaving at all, is overdoing it.
So then, forum posting is the highest form of over-prepping. :lol:

I use a hot towel on my face for about 20 seconds after the shower--it does seem to help keep the whiskers wet. but that's all I do. Half the time I don't even bother with balm afterwards.
I am a practical person and I know some will disagree with me on this, but yes I think we over prep. Now I know that we all enjoy the "total experience" that is wet shaving and a nice hot towel feels good. However I have been cold water shaving for 2 months now and you know what, I get the same if not better shaves by using cold water thus for me dispelling that hot water myth of open pours/warm water gives a better shave. To me it is all about what you prefer and how it feels to you. So to me, yes we over-prep. :) I tried an oil prep once and will not do it again. To me it is messey, clogs the razor, and I just did not like that oily/greasy feeling.
I use an Agave-fiber cloth to wash with, and this is what I usefor shave-prep as well ... it does make a difference, but I think its the exfoliating action of the cloth that does the trick rather than just holding hot water to my face.

I don't use it every single time I shave, but when I do, I seem to get a better, closer result, with less irritation.
Yes, I think some people do "over-prep," but this is as much a matter of personal preference as anything.

I used to shower and hot towel before I shaved. I would use a wash cloth an a medicated face wash to gently scrub my face and clear up ingrown hairs.

What I found from my experience is that it was all too much. The whole process dried my skin making it more susceptible to nicks and irritation when shaving. One day when I wanted to save some time, I dropped a large portion of the routine.

Now, I still shower before I shave, but I don't use a "skin drying" face wash. I also don't use a hot towel, nor do I gently scrub my face with a wash rag. Since the time I started doing things this way, I've noticed that the quality and comfort of my shaves has increased ten fold!

In sum, I'd say we do prep too much, but to each his own! After all, one man's method is another man's madness!
The amount of prep required before a shave depends, to an extent, on the beard type of the shaver. ...

Yes! I have three type growth patterns, and the answer to this prep question is different for all three areas. Combine that with skin type, and it has no easy answer.

On my neck the whiskers are fine. And, my last pass is usually with skin almost dry, and definitely cold.
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