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Do I need to cancel my membership on B&B?

I love it! And would follow suit, but in my oilfield dayjob, I am already risking being hung, drawn, and quartered!

The chrome package is settling in though! lol!

+1. So true. I think if they didn't have something to complain about, they'd implode.

My wife hates my beard.

I haven't listened to her yet. It is the ultimate subversive mariatal campaign. She used to complain that I was "taking too long shaving" with all my straight razor stropping, and associated doo-dads. Now she's complaining because I've stopped shaving (my face).

What you need to realize is that The Mrs will never be satisfied with any choice you make, only ones she makes.

Grow a beard. She can't stop you.
The facial hair is great. It's the loss of 50 lbs and return to lifting that is to be truly congratulated. Good for you!


I’m stumped
Of coarse you can hang out here.
I thought after you shaved your head with the meat clever, that you were made a honorary member.
My wife hates my beard and has yet to complain about my many razors and related toys.

Due to arthritis in both wrists, I HATED shaving with a plastic razor because it hurt, BIG TIME. So I'd get pretty scratchy.

Now that it doesn't hurt to shave, I don't get scratchy too often. Just enough to let her know every now and then. LOL

She's never seen me without a 'stache though. Told her she could shave it off after I died if she was still interested at that point.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Looking good!

My wife hates my beard.

I haven't listened to her yet. It is the ultimate subversive mariatal campaign. She used to complain that I was "taking too long shaving" with all my straight razor stropping, and associated doo-dads. Now she's complaining because I've stopped shaving (my face).

What you need to realize is that The Mrs will never be satisfied with any choice you make, only ones she makes.

Grow a beard. She can't stop you.

Happy wife, happy life. Unhappy wife...

i was gonna make a thread tonight asking if anyone had seen you!!!

nice beard there dude....

i would grow one but swmbo says it makes me look OLD.....
My wife hates my beard and has yet to complain about my many razors and related toys.

Due to arthritis in both wrists, I HATED shaving with a plastic razor because it hurt, BIG TIME. So I'd get pretty scratchy.

Now that it doesn't hurt to shave, I don't get scratchy too often. Just enough to let her know every now and then. LOL

She's never seen me without a 'stache though. Told her she could shave it off after I died if she was still interested at that point.

haha, my wifey complains of neither.
One morning I grabbed my electric trimmer and proceded to buzz away until I realized the trim guard was not on the trimmer (I was still asleep). Well, long story short, I had shaved most of my stash, and half my beard clean off. My wife had never seen me without a stash before, and when she realized I had no upper lip, she complains about nothing...
Happy wife, happy life. Unhappy wife...

Do you know who came up with that saying?

A woman no doubt.

A castrational little quip to keep a husband meek and retiring...

Come on guys. Isn't it enough that they make you pick up your socks off the floor? That they don't let you rebuild the carbuerator on the coffee table, nor find the subtle nuances of fine cinema such as Terminator, Mad Max, 300, or even Dumb and Dumber acceptable as entertainment fare.

So, what can you do? Talking back will get you in trouble for sure. Logic is likewise useless...Forget reasoning...

So, one day you find you haven't shaved for four days, that's happened before....Then it stretches to 5-6....a full week without a shave...She may start to be suspicious, but just assumes you are being a lazy good for nothing, as per usual.

Then one day in week two will come the question "What's the deal with your whiskers? Are you growing a beard or something?"

Thats the first gut check.

You may have enough testosterone to grow a beard, but do you have enough to tell your wife that is exactly what you intend to do?

Well, do ya?

Then comes the twin pronged forks of Hades: for a while you will be in no man's land: you are scruffy, but not really bearded yet. You look like a bum. And it itches.....You long for the feel of crisp steel gliding across your cheeks leaving behind BBS goodness....At the same time your wife will be reminding you of how old it makes you look, "You not really growing a beard, are you?", assertions that you are probably having some sort of mid life crisis......

My reply: "It's just a beard"

Just a beard, true enough. Yet for all your manliness in your life so far have you ever actually gone and grown a beard? Are you going to spend your limited days on this spinning globe circling the sun and never have a go at growing a beard?

Really, if its something you want to try, go right ahead. It takes a remarkable amount of will power to actually do it.

“You cannot grow a beard in a moment of passion.”
G K Chesterton

And about SWMBO: the funny thing is, there really isn't any justification on their side why you or I shouldn't actually grow a beard. Deep down we know we should pick up our socks, work on the carburetor out in the garage etc....But growing a beard is truly personal, and nobody else's decision but your own. She may bark about it for awhile, but eventually, if you tough it out, a new serenity pervades. A new feeling emerges...Not only are you now bearded, but you have mounted the palisades and fired a shot back in the name of Mankind. In the age of Dr. Phil et al and "getting in touch with your feminine side", you have slowly, quietly, day by day built a sign in neon upon your visage that undoubtedly proclaims "I am a Man, dammit!" The way it has been proclaimed since time immemorial.

Did this guy ask permission?

Obidiah Swane? Did he wring his hands about sprouting some righteous facial hair?

Good, bad, or ugly.......grow a beard

Do you think Chuck asked: "Honey, is it OK if I grow a beard?"


I pity da fool!
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Staff member
Ah, now I can see the picture.

The first thing when I saw that photo, with the shaved head and the handlebar mo, was the movie Bronson. Any of you seen that one?

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