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B&B Membership Does Change Over Time, Doesn't It?

I've been on this website for about 11 years. I've learned a lot that's for sure. This website has spurred me on to doing a ton of internet "research" myself. I've loved the debates, "lively" discussions, and the arcane details that somehow seem to get pulled up out of nowhere. Lately, I've noticed that some of my "old reliables" are not around much. Like romsitsa, from Hungary. Where'd he go, I wonder? Simply no longer here although he was posting recently. And of course old reliables ("experts" in my eyes) like Jake and Northstonehill are still around but keeping very low profiles which is obviously their choice. I guess I just miss the old days, am taking note of the constant passing of time, and wanted to express my appreciation for all that this website and its interesting membership has given to me. So, thanks all!
I just passed my 8th anniversary on B&B, and I'm still having a great time so far. I do understand about seeing some old timers and near timers drop off and come back. When life events happen, you only have so much energy to devote to things. I have met so amazing people here on B&B and am grateful for each encounter.
The only sure thing in life (aside from death and taxes, lol) is things change.

So let me tell a partially related story. If it is too long, please just skip to the last 3 paragraphs.

I've been doing martial arts all my life pretty much and have had multiple teachers and schools because of life (university, career moves, etc.) After I had settled into my profession and found an organization I wanted to grow with, I bought a house with my wife and soon enough a kid appeared. This kept me from training for a few years, but when he was a bit older, the itch came back and I looked around for a dojo that was compatible with my existing skills and beliefs and of course personality.

This last part is important. You can't train where the assumptions (1 + 1 = 2, right? well not always in the esoterical world of martial arts) are far away from your own. And as a fairly senior martial artist without my own dojo, it's hard to find places where the head master actually wants someone like you around. Eventually I found a place where the fit was right. I trained and mostly shut up. I enjoyed the work and I think people liked practicing with me because I generally know what I am doing but I don't feel the need to tell everyone I do. The head master began treating me like one of HIS senior students which is an important step - you can hold a high rank but not be part of the family. Years passed and I filled in when needed as a sub and eventually I was asked to take a few classes as instructor. More time passed and I suddenly found myself in charge (retirement, leaving, etc.)

I can't say it's anything I ever wanted or planned for, but I took the charge to be responsible and to help others continue their journey. As new students joined, I found satisfaction in helping them start on their paths whether it is short or a more extended one like mine.

Anyway, B&B is that welcoming dojo. Sure there are some members that are more newbie-friendly than others, but quite honestly, this is BY FAR the most mature, generous, and noble-minded internet forum I have ever participated on. This includes various engineering or martial arts groups by the way. There's very little pettiness or bickering here, and I find that marvelous.

I do not know these names that the OP mentioned, but in my short time here on B&B, plenty of people have been generous to me with their time, knowledge, and even a PIF! In no particular order and I apologize for forgetting a few, @mikhou, @Alum Ladd, @dmshaver, @ShavingPrimate, @blethenstrom, @Balin, @lasta, @Ckmaui, @Guido75, @Eric_75, @gpjoe, @nemo are all fine gentlemen and great representatives of the forum. May they be active here for years to come.

The nice thing about forums is they last if the operators keep it running. Sure there are members that have faded away like the people before me have at my dojo, but their writings are still remaining. And so is a piece of their thoughts, their loves, and their personalities. Perhaps they have passed on or found other interests, but newbies like me can still read their opinions and occasionally learn a bit of technique or at the very least be entertained by them. That's all you can really ask for.
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“Forum” technology is largely outdated. Most people now gravitate to the Reddit, Discord format really. It’s a lot of simple one liner comments and not much conversation…. I don’t prefer that, but people generally today just want to scroll tweets and not read anything.

Also, you get to a point where you’ve read everything in a hobby and you just burn out.

Me? I joined in 2008 and really stopped coming beyond 2012, just had what worked and didn’t see the need to commit the time. Work, other hobbies took over. Got back in here recently and been blown away by all the razor, brush, soap product offerings…. And the availability of these things today.
I've been on this website for about 11 years. I've learned a lot that's for sure. This website has spurred me on to doing a ton of internet "research" myself. I've loved the debates, "lively" discussions, and the arcane details that somehow seem to get pulled up out of nowhere. Lately, I've noticed that some of my "old reliables" are not around much. Like romsitsa, from Hungary. Where'd he go, I wonder? Simply no longer here although he was posting recently. And of course old reliables ("experts" in my eyes) like Jake and Northstonehill are still around but keeping very low profiles which is obviously their choice. I guess I just miss the old days, am taking note of the constant passing of time, and wanted to express my appreciation for all that this website and its interesting membership has given to me. So, thanks all!
I agree with what you’re saying. Been on here since 2010 and all the old members I used to talk to are no longer around. Same goes for the original srp page and the coti.be group. That coti page was just filled with so much great info and interesting people from all over the world.

It is sad to no longer see some familiar faces but seeing new members is always a good thing.(unless they want to buy the razors I’m trying to buy) lol
Well not remain the same as it was, some change is good, others is not so good. If you want to turn back the hands of time to G.O.D. (good old days), it is possible one person at a time who has open mind.

People with closed minds are like large boulder, or road blocks, they are immoveable objects you better navigate around, and leave in your rear view mirror, or don't blow time trying to move.
Ditto. I had 1 razor, blade, brush, soap, and aftershave for a decade. I needed a new brush, discovered B&B, and six razors, 4 brushes, 3 soaps, an uncountable number of blades, and 2 aftershaves later in just a few months, and here we are. I sold off all but 3 razors and have settled on a new soap and aftershave but I still keep 2 of the 4 brushes in rotation. I love this place!
I took an extended break as work was all consuming. I started at 5:30am and ended my day at 5:30pm. It didn’t leave much time for anything else.

What I have noticed is the level of activity in the beginning when joining is usually at the highest point. Typically after a certain amount of time you find what works and there isn’t a great deal to discuss or discover.

What is different about this site are the different topics. I still visit the shaving forums, but I spend my time mostly in the other topics.

Members and moderators come and go, interests change and sometimes members just leave.
I've been a member since 2013 and have seen countless members come and go. And I've been guilty of taking extended breaks from time to time. Life happens, for better and for worse. And like others have mentioned, it's the cycle of hobbies - get interested, dive in deep, spend a lot of time on it, burn out, take a break, come back a while later.


Not made for these times.
I do not know these names that the OP mentioned, but in my short time here on B&B, plenty of people have been generous to me with their time, knowledge, and even a PIF! In no particular order and I apologize for forgetting a few, @mikhou, @Alum Ladd, @dmshaver, @ShavingPrimate, @blethenstrom, @Balin, @lasta, @Ckmaui, @Guido75, @Eric_75, @gpjoe, @nemo are all fine gentlemen and great representatives of the forum. May they be active here for years to come.
Thank you for your kind words, Alex.
Navigating the forums have become next to impossible/unreadable with the ads that take forever to load and obscure content.

After 8 years I've almost had it.

Not paying for membership, I watch my $.
Almost there with you brother Steve. There is like 2-3 forums I enjoy reading and posting to, however beside the adds there is a new thing that covers the threads called Swarmify . I tried researching ways to get rid of it but I'm getting tired wasting time doing so. As a side note I believe this is not part of B&B website.


System Generated
The forum hasn't changed much since I joined in 2010. One of the biggest kerfuffulls was when they changed the Badger logo or when the layout changes. Some members were so upset.

Other than that, people come and go, products come and go., vendors come and go. The same questions get asked over and over. People go search bar blind. It's pretty much the same forum it was 10+ years ago.

I have noticed a "Twitter mentality" growing over time. People post something, don't come back and follow up or don't bother to search and use the knowledge that is already in an existing thread.

If you want regulars to stick around you need to become a regular and post regularly. :wink2:

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
I think older and younger membership will always change because of curious folks looking for a better shave and maybe want to know what is new and possibly better than what they are using at present.
Could be someone decided to grow a beard or have passed on in life or have found what they needed( & moved on) has been my conclusion.
Have some great shaves!
I joined just after my birthday in 2014, so will be celebrating 10 years in September. I do not participate as much as i used to, lots of distractions in life. Nor do I purchase as much as I used to. I still love this forum and believe it deserves my support financially to keep it going. I want new shavers to find what I did: good advice, dignified discussions, and bad jokes.
I joined just after my birthday in 2014, so will be celebrating 10 years in September. I do not participate as much as i used to, lots of distractions in life. Nor do I purchase as much as I used to. I still love this forum and believe it deserves my support financially to keep it going. I want new shavers to find what I did: good advice, dignified discussions, and bad jokes.
I'm right there with you. Not as active as I once was. My RAD is pretty non-existent. I did add a Modern and Vintage GEM to my collection.

I like to be as helpful as possible to newcomers and provide unbiased advice.
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