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DKeester's Shave Journal

Live and learn right Doug?
I've been tempted to try more than I know I should at this point with the straight too. So far I've not succumbed!

I am going to keep it to first (WTG) pass for now. But I want to get good at my entire face with it, so I am going to commit to the full face (unless I keep nicking the hell out of myself).

Time to watch a few stropping videos on YouTube.

I am going to keep it to first (WTG) pass for now. But I want to get good at my entire face with it, so I am going to commit to the full face (unless I keep nicking the hell out of myself).

Time to watch a few stropping videos on YouTube.

That is what I'm doing. The problem with the stropping video's is they make it look so easy! It is getting better though!
Sorry about the bloodbath Doug. That nic at the earlobe it threw me off when I did it. I didn't even feel it. Next thing I knew I had blood running down my neck. I used styptic on it... Ouch!

After I started using a straight I bought Proraso Styptic Gel. It's like liquid bandage but designed for your face. Take a look at it. In my opinion it is the best at closing shave cuts and nics.
Sorry about the bloodbath Doug. That nic at the earlobe it threw me off when I did it. I didn't even feel it. Next thing I knew I had blood running down my neck. I used styptic on it... Ouch!

After I started using a straight I bought Proraso Styptic Gel. It's like liquid bandage but designed for your face. Take a look at it. In my opinion it is the best at closing shave cuts and nics.

Thanks for the pointer. I might just pick some up. Although the alum block combined with witch hazel worked eventually.
Journal Entry #53

Razor: Colonial Razors General (aluminum, batch 1)
Blade: Feather Pro Guard (5)
Brush: RazoRock Finest Badger
Soap/Cream: Stirling Sharp Dressed Man sample
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB
AS 3: AoS Sandalwood ASB
Fragrance: AoS Sandalwood and Cypress

After yesterday's bloodletting I wasn't sure if I wanted to shave today. But I really wanted to give The General a go round after reading Chad's use of it last week.

I am glad that I did shave. It was mild and comfortable. My face feels really good after taking two passes.

The Pro Guard is a good blade.

The big thing for today's shave was the sample of AoS Sandalwood and Cypress cologne. Fabulous. If you like the AoS Sandalwood soap/cream scent you will like this cologne. It uses the same sandalwood, but has lots more going on. It is good juice.
Great shave Doug. The General is one I've had my eye on for a while, and might pull the trigger on it yet.
It is a great entry point into Feather AC single edge razors. Unless you only like really aggressive razors, you won't be disappointed with the purchase.
Journal Entry #54

Razor: Ming Shi 2000s @5
Blade: GSB (1)
Brush: Maggard Purple Handle 24mm Plissoft
Soap/Cream: Stirling Sharp Dressed Man sample
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: AV 5-in-1 Sensitive ASB
AS 3: Adidas Dynamic Pulse
Fragrance: none

Another fabulous shave from the Ming Shi 2000s. This morning looking at that blade gap was almost like looking down into the Grand Canyon, metaphorically speaking. That may have been the widest blade gap that I have shaved with to date. But, the shave? Oh, the shave! It was smooth, close, and efficient. I still have some lingering neck irritation from Saturday's blood sacrifice, so it is difficult to determine, but I think I would be BBS- with zero irritation were it not for the current state of affairs.

So, rust is definitely a thing with stainless steel. The GSB that was giving me such lovely shaves started developing rust spots. The rust wasn't in the cutting surface, but was right up against it. I would prefer not to shave with a rusty DE blade, so I binned it in favor of a fresh GSB. So, I am restarting my run. I want to get to 45 shaves if I can.

The Adidas AS is decent stuff. Pleasant and low key.

Home Front:
Guardians 2 was great! If you liked the first one you will really enjoy this one. Go see it.

It is clouding over so it looks like we will be getting some rain this afternoon.

Thanks for reading and commenting on my journal everyone. I hope that you had a great weekend and that your Monday is going well.
Nice read Doug, Those spots are just probably what is referred to as stainless "Tea stains" happens with water and stainless react with the blade, nothing to worry about, if you re concerned pull the blade each time wipe dry or take a dunk in barbacide or alcohol and you are good to go
Nice read and shave. Adidas Dynamic Pulse is one of my favorite scents! Get the matching Cologne for the whole experience.
Great shave and read Doug, and you and Chad both make the Adidas Dynamic Pulse sound very tempting. Hoping to get out to see Guardians 2 this weekend. I've really been looking forward to it's release.
Nice read Doug, Those spots are just probably what is referred to as stainless "Tea stains" happens with water and stainless react with the blade, nothing to worry about, if you re concerned pull the blade each time wipe dry or take a dunk in barbacide or alcohol and you are good to go
Thanks for the information. I haven't had this happen with a stainless blade before.
Rainy Day Mail Call!

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