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DKeester's Shave Journal

So, I am about 10.5 months into this hobby of wet shaving. I own a ton of DEs, SEs, and Injectors. I like them all so far, but DEs are my favorites at this point. And of my DEs I like the Merkurs the most. (The FaTip Piccolo is a close second, but the Merkurs just edge it out of first place.) I have no problems getting a bloodless two-pass DFS or better with almost any DE blade that leaves me with little to no irritation.

The new year has had me thinking about new things, however. So, this month I decided to take the plunge on shavettes. I picked up a couple of Weck Sextoblades, a couple of Hair Shapers, a Parker SRX, the "Classic Samurai" all stainless shavette, a Coolcut 9, a Magic Razor, and a Dovo Shavette. I just think they all are cool, and I am a crazy collector so I couldn't stop at just one. I thought I would give them a try as a jump into straights mostly because of honing and stropping aspect of traditional straights. Less maintenance sounded good for now, and I refuse to let the less forgiving aspect of them be a deterrent. At some point I will also start using traditional straights, but I don't know when that will be.

Saturday's shave (yesterday as I write this, although I haven't gone to bed yet) was my first shavette shave. I decided on the Dovo Shavette since that one appears to get reviewed as the most forgiving of the lot when used with the Dovo Long Shavette blade. Blade loading is nice and easy. The plastic inserts seem a bit on the flimsy side, however, so I hope they hold up. I also had my WCS 84S DE handy for cleanup in case I made a bloody mess of myself.

I started out good on my left cheek. I definitely need to work on how I position myself in front of the mirror to make sure that I can get a good view. It seemed like my hand holding the shavette was always in my way. I guess that is one of the techniques that I will need to develop if I am going to continue using these. When I moved to my neck on the left side, I scraped myself up a bit and gave myself a small weeper. It was no worse than I have done to myself with a DE in the same area, but it was one more place that needed a hit of alum at the end. It was when I switched to my right cheek that things went awry. I put the blade to my face at the wrong angle and gave myself a good nick. It was a bit of a bleeder, but I don't think it will leave much of a scar. I probably should have stopped and switched to the DE right then, but I wanted to finish the pass with the shavette. The right side of my neck went well. However when I got to my chin again I went in at the wrong angle and gave myself another good nick. This one didn't bleed much at all. At this point I switched to the DE for my mustache area and the area between bottom lip and chin. I then made my usual second pass XTG and called it good.

It didn't go as well as I had hoped, but it could have been much worse and the shave was actually good. I think I will probably take Sunday off to let my face heal a bit. These are the first real nicks that I have had in a long time. I need to make sure that the first thing to touch my face always is the flat side of the straight or shavette that I am using.

I am not sure if I like using the shavette yet, but I am not disappointed or discouraged either. I think that I made the right choice to use the Dovo with the long blade. The Parker SRX might have been more of a bloodbath. I definitely want to spend more time with the Dovo and experiment with all the others that I have purchased. It does occur to me that it might be preferable to get a traditional straight since they are supposedly more forgiving, so I will be giving that consideration. Even though I got myself good with it, there is something satisfying about getting almost a complete WTG pass done on my first attempt with only two nicks and a weeper. Yay me!

I keep thinking about contacting Larry at Whipped Dog for a sight unseen straight and poor man's strop kit. I know that eventually I will have both traditional straights and shavettes, learn them, and use them in rotation with my safety razors. I am just not sure how I should approach the learning process from here. I feel like I learned much from Saturday's shave, but would those lessons have come easier with a traditional straight? Maybe? Maybe not. Maybe I stay with just the shavettes for now?

Perhaps Monday, if my face is healed up enough, I will give just my cheeks a go with the Dovo and finish with a DE. Realistically I should wait until next Saturday so that I can relax and take my time. I really love this shaving thing. I want to use all of the tools and be good at using them. Eventually I will learn to hone as well as use straights. I have a long way to go with all of it. 2017 is going to be a fun year of shaving exploration just like 2016 was.

Oh, and those Weck Sextoblade razors look cool, especially the all stainless medical version. I think they will be interesting to use. And I am really looking forward to trying the Parker SRX. They are all such wonderful toys.
Welcome the journal section of B&B. I journal all of my shaves including my DE and SE shaves. I really enjoy it. Recently over the last couple of months I have been trying straights. I just barely settled on the Feather SS and Weck. I also own a Genco straight but due to time constraints I have settled on the shavettes so to speak. Plenty of people will give you advice.
I've thought about getting a shavette for the same reason, maintenance of a straight, then I read about them being less forgiving that a straight and I back off and thing about a straight. I'll probably man the plunge into straights sooner than I think, but for now I'm very happy with my DE's.

Oh and welcome to the Journal Section! I found it to be great to be able to go back and see what works and what didn't work here.
Welcome to the journals! You certainly got started with some variety, and the Weck Sextoblade is highly regarded around here.
Journal Entry #2

Razor: FaTip Piccolo
Blade: Israeli Red Personna
Brush: Semogue Owner's Club boar
Soap/Cream: PAA Magi
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: PAA Magi

Always used, but probably won't be mentioned much in the future: Alum block and Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm

Great DE shave today after taking Sunday and Monday off. My face is healing up from the shavette, but it looks like I may end up with an interesting scar on my cheek. I will have to look into creams and balms that can reduce the visibility of scars, otherwise I may end up looking like I got into a knife fight at some point. The Piccolo combined with the IRP mowed down two days worth of growth with no problems. If I had gone for the ATG pass I would be completely BBS, but I am almost there and I have zero irritation.

It occurred to me today that I really should shave every day. It adds some Zen to my day and really helps put me into a good mental place. When I skip my shave, I have a worse day than I might have otherwise had. Today I feel good and I shaved. Yesterday I skipped my shave and had a worse day than I did today.
Sounds like a good shave!
The uninformed cartridge and canned goo shavers and electric shavers just don't understand how I can enjoy taking 20 to 30 minutes to shave almost everyday. I really do look forward to it.
I have a scar on my chin from a straight mishap about 2 weeks ago. They are battle wounds plus chicks dig scars they say. Nice shave today.
I have a scar on my chin from a straight mishap about 2 weeks ago. They are battle wounds plus chicks dig scars they say. Nice shave today.

My wife unfortunately isn't a fan of scars. She sometimes refers to mishaps that might leave a scar as "marking up the meat." Also, I don't want to give her any reason to curtail my shaving exploration. She would prefer I not venture into straights at all.
Journal Entry #3

Razor: FaTip Piccolo
Blade: Israeli Red Personna
Brush: Semogue Owner's Club boar
Soap/Cream: PAA Magi
AS 1: Dickinson's Witch Hazel
AS 2: PAA Magi

Ouch! Everything about today's shave was just off. My lather wasn't right. I nicked my left ear. I left a weeper on my neck. I have razor burn all over. The shave is DFS+, but I really paid for it today. I guess some days when your technique is off, it is really off. I am not totally sure why I was so off today, but at this point it doesn't really matter, tomorrow is another day to try again to get it right.

On the positive side the tub of PAA Magi that I am 3017ing is not long for this world. I really like the soap, but I am ready to be done with it. I will definitely be buying more PAA products in the future. It is high quality soap.
Journal Entry #4

Razor: F2 (1960) Fatboy @4
Blade: Israeli Red Personna
Brush: Semogue Owner's Club boar
Soap/Cream: PAA Magi
AS 1: Dickinson's Witch Hazel
AS 2: PAA Magi

Ding, dong the soap is dead. Another 3017 project is done. The PAA soap is great stuff. It is veggie, but it feels like it is a tallow soap. The performance is great. I would definitely buy it again. I know that most of the folks around here like to rotate through their soaps and creams, but there is just something immensely satisfying in seeing that empty container after loading your brush. It was a nice feeling of accomplishment for my morning.

Happy Fatboy Friday! Today's shave was good. I have a tiny bit of irritation on my chin, but overall the shave was good. The Fatboy isn't my favorite razor, but it is a quality piece of shave gear. It was definitely a good start to my day. I am especially enjoying the Semogue Owner's Club boar brush. It just feels great on my face.

I am trying to decide if tomorrow will be another attempt with the Dovo Shavette. The nicks from last Saturday are healing nicely, and disappearing, but aren't completely gone. It might not be a bad idea to give my face some more time, but I also want to have another go. I guess we'll see what I feel like in the morning.
Journal Entry #5

Razor: Dovo Shavette / W2 (1976) Gillette Black Handle Super Speed
Blade: Dovo Long shavette / Israeli Red Personna
Brush: Semogue Owner's Club boar
Soap/Cream: MWF
AS 1: Dickinson's Witch Hazel
AS 2: Lucky Tiger Bay Rum


Today was a great shave. It was attempt #2 with the Dovo Shavette. I used it on the WTG pass and managed to get my cheeks and part of my neck without nicking myself and without causing irritation. I feel quite accomplished. For the XTG and ATG passes I used a Black Handle Super Speed, finishing the shave with a bit of irritation which didn't last long.

I won't say that I am getting good with the shavette. I am just glad that I didn't nick myself. I think that Saturdays are going to continue to be my straight/shavette day. Hopefully it won't take too long before I can get a complete pass in with it.

I also tried the Lucky Tiger Bay Rum for the first time today. It is a bit strong at first, but overall I think it is a nice scent. The LOTH doesn't like it out of the bottle. We will see if she likes it on me.
Thank you for all the kind words and support everyone.

I plan to stick with the Dovo until I get somewhat proficient with it, then I plan to branch out into my other shavettes. So far this is fun new territory to explore in wet shaving.
Journal Entry #6

Razor: Merkur 42c
Blade: Gillette 7O'Clock Super Stainless (2)
Brush: Semogue Owner's Club boar
Soap/Cream: Blue Willy
AS 1: Dickinson's Witch Hazel
AS 2: AV Ice Blue

It is actually surprising to get a good shave when the lather isn't very good.

I am participating in the One Blade in February challenge. I have only taken an Astra SP to 30 shaves, so it will be fun to see if I can get the 7O'Clock SS to do the same thing. Honestly, I am not too concerned about it. The Excalibur Club has helped me improve my technique quite a bit, so I think 30 good or great shaves should be achievable. There is one thing that will complicate matters slightly. That thing is the fact that I am also participating in the 2017 Williams 3017 Challenge.

I decided to start my Blue Willy a day early, but that could have been a mistake. I was in a hurry this morning so I rushed the lather building, I neglected to bloom the puck, and I loaded with a wet brush. So, my lather wasn't good. It was thin and disappearing. Loading a bit more product for the second pass didn't help much. It could have been a really bad shave, but surprisingly it wasn't. I came away with no lasting irritation and no nicks or weepers. I know that my technique is getting better all the time, but I expected a different outcome from the shave. Tomorrow I will bloom the puck a bit and load with a less wet brush. I will also give myself a bit more time to shave. I think this will improve the lather. I just hope that I didn't damage the blade at all, otherwise things are going to get a bit rough with this blade.

With these two events going on February is going to be a fun month.

Oh, and the SOC boar is still an absolutely fabulous brush. I plan on sticking with it until March to make sure it is properly broken in, but after only a few weeks it is starting to get really soft. This was a good purchase.
Great stuff Doug. I've found that even when I get a less than stellar lather with Blue Willy it still provides plenty of slickness.
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