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Different da Vinci

I know that the da vinci brushes have been reviewed on this forum, and that pictures were included in the reviews. Just thought I'd share a picture of my 2 da vinci's, including one that I haven't seen a picture of before, at least not on this forum. It's a da vinci Series 296. Identical knot to the da vinci Series 293, but with an ivory colored handle. I bought the larger, Series 290 brush first. It's a great brush, and I get along just fine with the handle, but I prefer the look of the more traditional handle of the second da vinci I bought; the Series 296. 'To each his own,' as they say. Anyways, not much I can add about the brushes that wasn't already covered in the great reviews of these brushes. They are simply amazing items. I feel that it will be hard to find a better brush than either one of these fine brushes, especially at the price I bought them at - I got them from the W.M. Neumann & Co. online store. Of course, I don't own that terribly many brushes, so I might be wrong there. Does anybody who owns these brushes have any suggestions as to other brushes that may rate up there with the da vinci's? If so, I'd be interested in checking them out.

Well, if I manage to do this right, the picture of my brushes should be next. Let me know what you think of the #296, if you would. Sorry for the not-so-great picture. I needed the flash, but it made for too much glare.


Take care,


Picture shows up fine mate. Both brushes looking good. Da Vinci are the best badger brushes available in my opinion, so you obviously have great taste.
Picture shows up fine mate. Both brushes looking good. Da Vinci are the best badger brushes available in my opinion, so you obviously have great taste.
Thanks for the kind words, Perished. I like your avatar - good lookin' dog. Take care, and have a good one. Kenny
When I wrote my review of the 290 and 293 they (and the travel brush) were the only models imported into the US at that time.

I didn't want to order from over seas and pay the additional shipping just for a different handle so opted for what was available here where I live

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