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Difference between Prorasos?

What exactly is the difference between all the Proraso colors? Is it just a scent thing? Or are some slicker than others/have some other differentiating physical characteristics?

Best I've been able to figure out from reading posts is that blue smells like anise, green has menthol, and that's about it.
I have only tried Blue and Green (new version) and the only difference is the scent and post-shave feel. As it has menthol, the green version does have a noticeable cooling effect and tingle. Nothing over-the-top like QCS Vostok or Godrej Menthol but it's definitely worth noting. In my opinion, they are identical performance-wise...I would consider any differences to be attributed to other variables such as the amount/quality of water used at the time, type of brush, etc.


B&B's Man in Italy
A few different key ingredients, a different scent, but almost equal great performance. IMHO.
I've only used the old green and the new red. While both are unique and provide a different feeling (as mentioned above, the menthol gives you a different feel) but I do love them both. The red was the one that really got me. It is a beautiful scent.
The menthol made the green more refreshing, and I feel like the red moisturized my face better (though that could all be in my head). The white is the mildest. They all shave great. Personally, scent-wise I rank them White > Green > Red, but that's just me. Sandalwood smell disagrees with me, so that one's going in a PIF or trade at some point.
The white is unscented for sensitive skin.I have the green and white. I think proraso is a great product and is very reasonably priced. With 8 soaps and creams,Im not buying more until I use it all up. One at a time, Im scraping the bottom of the barrell on the green tub.
The white tub is "Green tea & oat." Kind of hard to describe the scent. "Green" maybe? Whatever it is, it's very light, clean, and refreshing. It has a light cooling sensation and makes my skin feel great. Definitely recommended.

I disagree that it's unscented. It is a pretty light scent, but it's there and very pleasing, IMO.
They have pretty much the same effect. I haven't found big differences between the various versions.
The red one (sandalwood and shea butter) is more slicker, more... Fat. The green has menthol, fresh, hit your nose. The blue smells like anise, liquorice. The white has a subtle citrus scent, mixed with a spot of menthol, but not so strong as the green. Definitely scented!
Spring/summer: green and white
Winter: blue and red.
My choice would go to the white version. Coupled with the white AS balm.
To me they are all equal but here's what the company says

Red - Tough beard
Green- Classic
White - Sensetive
Blue - nothing in the leaflet but it's like white i suppose with the aloe and vitamin (E?).
You can really smell the menthol in the Green. I can't use it because evidently I'm allergic to eucalyptus. However, I really liked the cooling effect it brought on.

White- I definitely detect a scent. It is a refreshing scent and is very easy on the skin. It's in my top 5 favorite soaps.
Proraso is my favorite. It's easy to get an amazing lather, and plenty of it. As others have said, the difference is mainly in the scent, with each one having perhaps a minor difference over the others. Red is a bit slicker, green has the menthol blast, white is formulated for sensitive skin, blue is more soothing with its aloe.

You really have to try them for yourself. You can't go wrong with any of them, as they are all top performers at a great price. My personal favorite is blue, but red and green are also in my rotation.
Thank you everyone for the input on this. I decided to try for myself and bought a tube of Red, Green, and Blue. Maybe one day I'll get around to buying a tub of white, but for some reason I was in a tube mood.

Shaved with the Green on Friday and loved it! The menthol made it feel like I was shaving with an ice cube. Tried the Blue this morning and was pleasantly surprised. The idea of an anise-scented cream kinda turned me off, but in actuality it didn't smell like anise at all to me. Like the Green, it was a thick, cushiony, slick, comfortable shave. Looking forward to trying the Red on Wednesday.
I've used all of them but the blue. To me the Red is the slickest. Fat as described above is a really good way to say it. Green lathers nice as well, but not as slick. More cooling but it ultimately irritated my skin. Glad I tried it though. The white lathered as well as the others, but wasn't as slick or fat as the Red. I will order a tube of blue soon, but for me the Red is the clear winner. It may all be in my head, but I get better shaves with it vs the others.

Plus I love the smell. At $8 a tube or so, it's a bargain.
Old Green and New Red here... no difference I can tell other than scent and menthol... still love both. I have 2 full-size tubes and 2 travel-tubes of Old Green (C.O. Bigelow) cream along with a tub of Old Green soap to work through before I consider buying any New Green. I can't say there's much drawing me to New White or New Blue.
What exactly is the difference between all the Proraso colors? Is it just a scent thing? Or are some slicker than others/have some other differentiating physical characteristics?

Best I've been able to figure out from reading posts is that blue smells like anise, green has menthol, and that's about it.

Go to http://sampleshop.blogspot.com/ and order the 1/4oz sample of the Blue, Green, and Red. All three samples for only $5. Very inexpensive way to see whether you like the smell, glide, cushion, and feel of each one.
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