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define "aggressive" for me

When you talk about a razor's aggressiveness, what precisely do you mean? Is it how close it shaves, or the angle at which it is most effective?

For example I have a Weishi, and a Parker 91r. The Weishi is described as being very tame and the Parker as scary aggressive. But I'm having a difficult time telling them apart in terms of effectiveness. And thats with Feathers.

I've only been wetshaving for a few months, so maybe I just dont know what I'm doing yet.
From the Wiki:

"Aggressiveness of a safety razor can be thought of as the degree to which a blade is exposed to the face and beard, or conversely the degree to which the face and beard are not protected from the blade by the razor's safety features.

The two things that protect your face and beard from the blade are the razor's cap and the razor's guard. The cap and guard touch the skin while shaving and the blade is exposed to the skin between the two. Thus, the blade exposure can be described as the distance the blade protrudes past an imaginary tangent between cap and guard. The "gap" discussed above is not the same as the exposure as defined here, but larger gaps will tend to create larger exposures, given that the rest of the geometry stays about the same. So, the above measurements do give an approximate ranking.

Another factor in aggressiveness might be the angle that the blade makes with that imaginary line. There is probably an ideal angle but that might be different for different beards and maybe even different for different areas of the same beard.

One advantage of an aggressive razor may be that the user has more control over the angle at which the blade touches the skin. "
I think that quote covers it. For me though I think agressive is how much I can feel the blade, both during and after the shave. I would say that the more aggresive a razor is, the better your technique should be. I prefer Merkur HD, as a fairly moderate razor.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
彼の死は遅く、苦痛である (His death will be slow and painful.)

I was fully aware of the consequences when I posted that. :001_tt2:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
You've already been stuck with "Summer's Eve" ... what could be worse, right?

In the words of Michael Corleone, if anything in this site is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that it can always be worse.:wink:
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