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Decisions Decisions!!

I seem to spend an eternity in the mornings trying to make decisions.....
which razor shall i use?
which blade shall i use?
what brush shall i use?
should i use cream or soap?
which cream or soap should i use?
face lather or bowl? maybe mug?
alum bloc or thayers?maybe balm?

i even start thinking about this the night before:ohmy:
so i need to devise some sort of rota for the sake of my sanity,what do you guys do?
do you have rotas or make snap decisions?
I kind of do it spur of the moment but also have some vague idea of what I haven't used the longest. I rotate about 7 soaps, a couple of creams, and about 4 razors. So yeah, no fixed system but I do try to use something I haven't used in a while.
I use a razor/blade combination for 2 weeks and change my cream/AS every 1 week.
Variety is the spice of life.
I make a decision on what razor and blade to use and use that combo until I need to change the blade then I switch the razor out as well. I switch up the soap and brush daily.
For me it's quite simple: I have one razor and one brush, so it's quite easy...
Regarding the soap, I try to keep the same for at least a few shaves, and for the blades, I just decide to switch (or not) after finishing a pack of blades.
I have several different things that I use for my shave, so I really don't plan anything. I put my gear out just before I get in the shower, so I just look at my stuff and make my choices from there.

I'll decide which razor to use, straight or DE, which brush to use, which soap or cream, or mix the two with glycerin for an uberlather, which AS or balm, and so forth. There's no rhyme or reason to how I do it, but it always works out good, so I just go with it. My prep and after shave routine is always the same, so I guess whatever I use just sort of speaks to me. This works for me, though I'm sure every member has their own shave ritual.

When you come right down to it it doesn't matter, as long as it works for you and you enjoy your shave. With that said, I'm quite sure that no one can argue that fact. :wink2: :001_tongu :001_rolle
For me, the razor and blade are the same everyday (HD & Feather), but the "software" choice is ad hoc. I vary between soaps and creams. With soap I face lather, with cream I bowl lather.
Cover your eyes, spin around three times and reach-in and grab one! )

Of all the day's problems this one is the probably the most fun one! I do rotations by day or week.
Grab a couple of hats and some paper. One hat is for the names of the soaps. One for the razors....You get the point. Larry
Every day is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get :) I will change out things, but only one at a time so I know if I don't care for the shave what has done me wrong.

Right now I am learning I am not a big fan of AOS pre-shave or shave cream.....
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