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DC Rock n Roll Marathon

Anybody here besides me run it today? Good run, way more hills than anticipated. Back 13 was through Anacostia...not the nicest part of town but interesting to see a different side of DC.

My first Rock and Roll so I'm interested to hear how it compares to others in the series.
Congratulations! I really admire runners who maintain winter training to run a spring marathon. The Cherry Blossom 10-miler was all I could manage so early.

I ran the Marine Corps Marathon a few years back, but it sounds like a different route (very flat). Never have run a Rock and Roll...
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Congratulations! I really admire runners who maintain winter training to run a spring marathon....

Yeah...it was all treadmill...so I really felt the pavement this time and usually it doesn't bother me. Still managed (miraculously) to pull off a PR...God only knows how...

But you're right...WAY different than MCM....ran that one in 2010. Two totally different courses.
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