Here in India,I thought fragrances was all about cologne or deodrant spray.until I figured after passing college that the world of Perfumery is vast and good for good times.I was inspired by very subtle but mesmering scents. THe davidoff cool water is one such amazing fragrance.It has the soul of a Sea or ocean.It has the free spirited quality of 80s men, just like music was good like those days.The coolwater goes well with people living next to ocean or mediterenean climate.. I think this fragrance is greatIf your in a outdoor very windy party or event.It goes well with sun,sand an nature..But otherwise its just fine if your indoors. I discovered this fragrance when a close dance teacher o mine would wear it as his trademark..It created a lot of good mood and the fragrance would remind that.. like most great perfumes Coolwater men originated in France with the nose behind it being Pierre bourdon.I bet this creator of this perfume has a amazing mind and gentleman.How else would a fragrance like this be created?
Any thoughts on coolwater for men and How it feels to wear it?
I havent tried the aftershave though..
Any thoughts on coolwater for men and How it feels to wear it?
I havent tried the aftershave though..