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Dang you, K-Mart!

Less than 2 weeks ago they had Dorco carts 10 for $3...not bad but still not as good a deal as DG for the same carts, so I passed.

Stop in today and all that's left is the shelf tag and a sale sign, "Buy one, get one at 50% off." Needless to say, they're gone. Okay, that I could live with, you snooze you lose.

But they've been REPLACED! Yes, replaced by the exact same Dorco carts in SHINY NEW BLUE PACKAGES of 10 with "Good Deal" or some asinine name on them.

The price on the "new" (i.e., exact same) carts?

Ten for $8 and change.


Check your local K-mart fast...you may get a bit of a deal on the old Dorco packs, while they last.
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