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Dallas/Fort Worth & North Texas Get Together

Not sure if this is the correct location for this thread, so if it needs to be moved just let me know.

I've noticed a lot of Texans on the board lately, and wanted to initiate the idea of a get together. I'm in Dallas, but would like to see who would be interested, and then we could find an area that is reasonably close for all.

I'm open to suggestions as to when and where. Let me know what you all think.

I'm thinking we go sniff all the shave soaps at Willow Bend. Eh? Is that a good idea or is that a good idea!
I'm up for anything! Sniffing soap sounds nice though. I've thought about going to AOS on a Saturday morning and getting a professional straight shave, then doing lunch.

I live in Arlington, Texas. Count me in...

I was talking to my brother (mattskembo on B&B) and he suggested we get see if their are any local vendors we could get to come in on this. I for one would love to make this open get together a time when vendors can show their wares.

I mentioned AOS because it's the only place I know of around here, but if we had vendors from the area that frequent B&B I'd rather make it a private get together, and check out their stuff! Of course now that I've steered it in this direction we will probably have to move the thread :blink:

Wow! San Angelo is in the middle of nowhere... of course you are more than welcome to drive out this way for our get together, but if your in the AF maybe flying would be easier!

I'm in Southlake. There's a high end mens salon in Southlake Town Square called, "The Boardroom", and I mean .... high end.

Here's the website, I've never been a customer.


Let me know where y'all would like to meet up. I'll try to make it. Going out of town tomorrow, may be short or extended.
I checked out there site, very nice looking place. Of course the fact that they don't have prices listed makes me a little nervous! I was hoping we could get something together by middle of next month.

I checked out there site, very nice looking place. Of course the fact that they don't have prices listed makes me a little nervous! I was hoping we could get something together by middle of next month.


You have to hunt around the site, the prices are there. If I remember, the shave is $50 or $55.00. Hot towel, straight edge and all. (that is too rich for my blood)

Click on the "Services Menu" and then click on "Location Menu" under Southlake location. A PDF will pop up with the price info.
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You have to hunt around the site, the prices are there. If I remember, the shave is $50 or $55.00. Hot towel, straight edge and all. (that is too rich for my blood)

Click on the "Services Menu" and then click on "Location Menu" under Southlake location. A PDF will pop up with the price info.

Ok, that's why I didn't see them. I never download PDFs from a site that I can't be completely sure of. It's the paranoia that comes along with being a IT Security dweeb :lol:
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