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Dairy? Diary? or is it Dire-y of Diseased Collector.

Bit apprehensive bout pulling one these apart, but its got gunked up inside


lefthand thread outside knob an righthand inside knob an no way in or out but pop the baseplate


then with two opposing threads not an impossible assembly, but interestingly not straight forward
I've got the crimp licked on an earlier project so that was easy peasy lemon squeezey :D [is a secret]
Those cases are exactly alike the ones Swing razors came in.
[and soughta no,] I can tell no difference in the base of the case from a Swing, but a Swing lid has Swing in a circle cast in it, maybe it is dimpled inside that circle? [don't have total memory recall on that?]
Well spotted from a bleuch pic! [i must have had me good glasses on when i took that pic] :D
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