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D01: 2- or 3-band?

I've been a mostly-Simpsons guy for a while, and I've been thinking of branching out post-holidays -- in particular, I was thinking of a Shavemac. I'd rather like to try the D01, but I'm not quite decided about whether to try two- or three-band D01 first. I've been a little concerned that the 3-band would be too soft or not enough backbone, but I've been reading some posts lately that make me worry that the 2-band is a scritch monster. I pretty much exclusively face-lather. How scritchy is the 2-band compared to, say, Simpson's Best or TGN Finest? What loft should I get on a 21-22mm brush?
I do not have particularly sensitive skin as evidenced by not ever having a brush I consider too scritchy. For me, D01 2 band feels very nice although the amount of backbone was surprising. It is a scrubber, but not harsh IMHO. Oddly for a badger, it may need some extra breaking in, but I think it will eventually be a favorite of mine. I've only had it two weeks.
I like a knot that has some muscle to it and I don't mind a little scritch.

With that being said the D01 3-bands are fantastic! Like Claus recommends, keep the loft under 50 unless you're building with a 28mm knot or higher.
I think that for 3-band D01s a ratio of 1:2 for knot and loft is where you'll see enough backbone that you'll enjoy. As far as 2-bands go, you might want to go a little more on that ratio but not quite 1:2.15. Of course the shape of the knot affect this too. I have a 22mm 3-band fan set at 47 and it's perfect for me. Not too big on the face, great amount of backbone but soft tips.
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