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Shavemac Silvertip D01 2-Band vs Boar

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Oy vey. I've taken to test lathering with it on a semi-regular basis with a high-menthol soap that I bought before I realized that soap can actually have too much menthol for me. I'm nowhere near 100 lathers though.

Keep it up.


I have a small flattop D01 two band headed my way pretty soon. I'm very excited about its possibilities, particularly considering some of the positive comments in this thread about the D01 in the flattop version.

Happy shaves,

I got my 22mm x 48mm bulb Shavemac D0-1 2band a few weeks ago. The backbone is stronger than my 24x50 fan D0-1 2band. My overall impression is I wish I switched to bulbs sooner. Once this brush breaks in a bit more it will be the benchmark that all my other brushes are measured against. The size is perfect not just the knot but the handle as well.
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