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D.R. Harris Coconut Cream Shampoo

Good evening gents. I received a jar of this unusual shampoo last week from our great vendor, West Coast Shaving. I really did not know what to expect from this product. I have used shampoo bars and liquid shampoo but never a cream. The jar is cool looking(photos to come I promise) and the cream reminds me of shaving cream. It feels a bit different though. The coconut scent is VERY light. That's fine by me I do not like hygiene products to overrun my scent of choice.

So I scooped out about a half teaspoon of the stuff and lathered wet hair. A lather explosion was more like it. I really did not expect much from this product other than the usual stripped out feeling or even worse, the gummy texture of too much added emollient. It was neither. My scalp felt very clean but not stripped or dry and I had no itchies during the day. I rather like it and my scalp is very finicky. I usually have to jump around from product to product to keep from damaging my scalp or at least feeling uncomfortable. It is a bit pricey at $13.50 for 150ml of product but the container is great and the performance is good. I will use it rather sparingly but would likely buy it again. My wife likes it too. And do not use too much. For most typical make hair cut lengths 1/4 teaspoon is a good starting point. Try it.

Cheers, Todd
Sounds promising. I love coconut scented products.

Does the cream shampoo contain SLS, sodium lauryl sulfate?
I agree. This stuff is great. It's not one of those hair "strippers" (like I find the Trumper's Coconut Oil shampoo to be), and leaves my hair feeling great. The tub lasts a good long time as well. I believe Harris has a Lemon Cream scented version as well.
Okay, here are some photos. Hope this is of use.

Cheers, Todd




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