Gents, I purchased a few hair and scalp items this past week and one such item was a cake of Harris' shampoo bars. Some are familiar with their coconut and lemon cream shampoos. They are fine products. I like to use a cake for ease of application and storage. I also constantly rotate hair soap because of my finicky scalp. So with a bit of trepidation I grabbed up the new cake of Arlington and lathered away.
Surprise, surprise. It lathers super fast and was much gentler and creamier than I ever supposed it could be. And more than that it rinsed clean but did not leave my hair or scalped feeling stripped like so many shampoo bars do. I was really quite impressed. The scent is honest to the Arlington line and is quite stout. It does list SLS as first ingredient but the only thing I have to complain about is price. The cake weighs 50g and costs $11. It does include a nifty aluminium tin though. I may try this in another scent if I continue to have good luck with it. I will try to post up some photos this weekend.
Cheers, Todd
Surprise, surprise. It lathers super fast and was much gentler and creamier than I ever supposed it could be. And more than that it rinsed clean but did not leave my hair or scalped feeling stripped like so many shampoo bars do. I was really quite impressed. The scent is honest to the Arlington line and is quite stout. It does list SLS as first ingredient but the only thing I have to complain about is price. The cake weighs 50g and costs $11. It does include a nifty aluminium tin though. I may try this in another scent if I continue to have good luck with it. I will try to post up some photos this weekend.
Cheers, Todd