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D.R. Harris Arlington Shampoo Bar

Gents, I purchased a few hair and scalp items this past week and one such item was a cake of Harris' shampoo bars. Some are familiar with their coconut and lemon cream shampoos. They are fine products. I like to use a cake for ease of application and storage. I also constantly rotate hair soap because of my finicky scalp. So with a bit of trepidation I grabbed up the new cake of Arlington and lathered away.

Surprise, surprise. It lathers super fast and was much gentler and creamier than I ever supposed it could be. And more than that it rinsed clean but did not leave my hair or scalped feeling stripped like so many shampoo bars do. I was really quite impressed. The scent is honest to the Arlington line and is quite stout. It does list SLS as first ingredient but the only thing I have to complain about is price. The cake weighs 50g and costs $11. It does include a nifty aluminium tin though. I may try this in another scent if I continue to have good luck with it. I will try to post up some photos this weekend.

Cheers, Todd


Needs milk and a bidet!
Just a question, but how do you use a shampoo bar?

I once asked the same question. and the short answer I got and figured out myself was to hold the bar in your hand and rub it around your hair until your desired amount of suds emerge.

I imagine there are plenty of other techniques though.


Now half as wise
I once asked the same question. and the short answer I got and figured out myself was to hold the bar in your hand and rub it around your hair until your desired amount of suds emerge.

I imagine there are plenty of other techniques though.

Pretty much this. With relatively short hair, a little goes a long way!
Some photos.



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The scent of Arlington during my shower sounds like heaven to me. I have just never bought any of the shampoo bars or bath bars from DRH because of the price. It may very well be worth it though.

Ben, I am on the fence with this one. It is POTENT in scent but not overly so. It is pure Arlington. One of the few grooming products that actually smells like its namesake fragrance. In fact, I would say the lemon/citrus is brighter than the shave soap by a good margin and stands toe to toe with the edt. However, this cake is about 65mm(2-1/2") in diameter and maybe 18-20mm, or 5/8-3/4", in thickness. It lathers like absolute crazy which it should being a detergent base. And there's the conundrum. It is nothing artisan like at all. And it is $11 which is a hefty premium at .22 per gram. At least I think I figured that correctly. So I will happily use it and maybe buy another some time for travel if it comes to that. Yet when did bargains, price per use, or efficiency ever figure into anything we do here?

Cheers, Todd
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