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Curious what you guys are recommending for new guys and stones.

Feel like for a long time there was always a favorite recommendation, being norton 4/8, then naniwa 12k as the finisher (or all naniwas). I think with the warping in some naniwas, it might not be worth the headache of someone new getting a warped 12k. Goal would be what to recomend for anyone jumping in, that didn't find the natural edge they want to chase yet. Can't say for sure but could see some people ending up with a synthetic progression with 2 or 3 different brands that might not overlap well (or just picking a random recommendation that might not be worth it).

The below is what I think I would recommend in order - but curious what you guys say. Not that I'm always throwing out recommendations, but feel it can be a bit confusing with all of the options. All the options below I am going to pretend they have a lapping plate.

1. Sticking to a brand you have if it is good.
Pros you keep everything in the same set.
Cons being what you have might be be a great bridge into future stones or finish well.
( could see paste being added to these sets though and working just fine, but not everyone enjoys them).

2. Shapton rockstars maybe?
Would recomend the 6k and 10k for 200. My experience is with the glass stones but I believe these are suppose to be an improvement.
Pros being you have high quality stones with good range. Also other options in the line to fit someones needs. I would think it would be easy to sell as well.
Cons being you don't have a great way to reset bevels yet. I'm assuming these are an improvement on the glass stones, but with how new they are not sure.

3. Naniwa 5k, 8k, then ?
Maybe recomend the 12k but make them aware of the potential problem. Think it would be in the 200$ ball park range but I hate how quickly they can load up. Could also consider the naniwa combo to 10k plus some sort of paste. This would get you in the game for 120 ish bucks.
Cons being you might want to eventually find another synthetic finisher you want.

I know the shapton ceramics are recommended a good bit but unsure how their synthetic finishing is as a final stone. I can see them being great for building up to a natural though. I'm also aware of the suehiro stones, but not sure if the lower grits are worth the extra money. Stones I don't know that much about are the different naniwa lines (love the chosera 1k but don't know if I'd recommend others). Also aware of the small shapton glass stones but not sure I would want to recomend a smaller stones to someone new.

I also love recommending naturals, but don't want to add frustration of a natural stone to someone who is new. I think most people should try different edges first, but have obviously seen plenty of people jump right in.

Interested to see what you guys think. I feel like everytime a beginner ask for a suggestion he is given 20+ options haha.
1K, 3K, 5K, Chosera, 10K 1-micron Kouseki, positives you will get an edge that is very hard to beat plus those stones to a normal straight razor user shaver will possibly last him a lifetime, negatives, a very costly set of stones.
While definitely a good set up, it is double or more than the other recommendations. Could possibly recomend it if they already had choseras. Haven't ever had my hands on that 10k though so I can't really compare if the extra money is worth the value vs other stones.


B&B’s Champion Corn Shucker
Chosera 1k or Shapton pro 1.5, Shapton pro 5k, a good quality 8k like the Snow White plus your finisher of choice. (Coti, thuri, hard ark, jnat, pasted strop, etc). That to me is an easy progression to learn on that gives close and comfortable shaves.
Chosera 1k or Shapton pro 1.5, Shapton pro 5k, a good quality 8k like the Snow White plus your finisher of choice. (Coti, thuri, hard ark, jnat, pasted strop, etc). That to me is an easy progression to learn on that gives close and comfortable shaves.
That is similar to where I started. Shapton pro 1.5, Hayabusa 4k, Fuji 8k, natural(s). Though, I recently got a Shapton pro 5k and I prefer it over the Hayabusa in that intermediate step.
I started with Naniwa SS 1k / 5k / 8k/ 12k and an atoma 400. Never needed to try any other synthetics, the Naniwa have always been very good and very consistent. I now use only the 1k as a bevel setter and then move along to natural options.
And like synthetic stones, trans Arks are very consistent. Conditioned the same, one will give pretty close to exactly the same edge as another, which is unusual for a natural stone.
Does that observation extend to (random brand modern translucent)? Or would you limit it some? I have, out of caution, stuck to vintage Norton or Pike, and modern Dan's. Within those, there is a great deal of consistency. Outside of that, no experience.


Staff member
Does that observation extend to (random brand modern translucent)? Or would you limit it some? I have, out of caution, stuck to vintage Norton or Pike, and modern Dan's. Within those, there is a great deal of consistency. Outside of that, no experience.
Most of my razor/bench stones are vintage too. I just have a couple of new Dan's pocket size stones. But yeah, I'd say if you got a clean example like Dan's sell they are probably going to be pretty similar to a vintage one.
I recommend the alternative lifestyle SoS simple method - SP1.5k, SP5k, mother's on denim, 0.25 micron on leather (I prefer 0.1 micron on balsa). You'd have to read the article and understand the goals of each step, but it's extremely straight forward and consistent. Once you do it once, you only need a bare leather strop and 0.1 balsa to keep your edge going forever.
Interesting, can you shave off of Mother’s?

I have tried most all metal polish, but the edges are too harsh for my skin, though I know there are some guys that can.

I do finish woodworking tools with metal polish, 3m Marine or MAAS for a smoking edge.

Metal polish will get you from a 5k edge to a .50um Diamond or CBN or finer easily.

Paste works, but easy to make an edge too thin.

Shapton’s are a great value in the mid grits, and you can easily also jump to a Jnat from a 5k for a very smooth, keen edge. Your whole kit would be under $200 for a lifetime of stellar shaves.
Generally, I do my best to avoid making recommendations to new users.
I tell everyone the same thing.
Learn first, buy later.
Learn enough so that when you are ready to buy you know exactly what you want.
If you have to be told what you want, they you don't have a clue yet and don't spend a dime until you do.

I will tell people what I hone with currently, and why I like it. But I don't tell anyone to use what I use.
I will usually tell someone to stay away from junk stones like BearMoo, etc.
I recommend the alternative lifestyle SoS simple method - SP1.5k, SP5k, mother's on denim, 0.25 micron on leather (I prefer 0.1 micron on balsa). You'd have to read the article and understand the goals of each step, but it's extremely straight forward and consistent. Once you do it once, you only need a bare leather strop and 0.1 balsa to keep your edge going forever.
what article pls?
Most economical-coticule
Easiest to learn-Naniwa SS progression (1k, 4k, 8k, 12k)
Hopelessly exotic but fairly affordable.
-Water of Ayr
-Vermont Green Slate
-Dan's Arkansas (translucent/surgical black)
-Most jnats
Not the easiest to find
-Zulu Grey
-Coe (various grits)

I started on a King 1k and Norton 4k-8k combination.
Today, I still think that was the best way to enter the rabbit hole.
Interesting, can you shave off of Mother’s?

Ah no, Mother's is to deburr the wire edge and create micro convexity, it has to be applied to a soft substrate (denim) so the larger particles can sink in. Then 0.25 micron diamond on leather strop to finish apex for shaving.

I realize this is unorthodox in the SR hone world, I've just found it easy and consistent once I understood what each step does. There are some details about pressure and substrates suitability etc that must be grokked from reading the article and comments.

I do finish woodworking tools with metal polish, 3m Marine or MAAS for a smoking edge.

Metal polish will get you from a 5k edge to a .50um Diamond or CBN or finer easily.
Yeah that sounds right. Again the denim combination is key also.
Paste works, but easy to make an edge too thin.
Too thin as in not as comfortable or low edge retention?
Shapton’s are a great value in the mid grits, and you can easily also jump to a Jnat from a 5k for a very smooth, keen edge. Your whole kit would be under $200 for a lifetime of stellar shaves.
I judged naturals to introduce too many variables when I was starting out 1/2 year ago. I do have a small translucent ark and big cnat that I haven't done much with yet.
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