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Coticule love... show off your rock

Had this one for a couple of weeks. Great stone 9*2 inches. Got it from the UK, the guy it bought it from got it from his farther who used to sell them I think. But now its mine and deffinitely a keeper. The bag is what they used to wrap them in.
Just got my first "beginner" coti from The Superior Shave Jared said it was "foolproof" but he doesn't know how big a fool he is dealing with LOL!

I am sure I will be looking for help and advice soon as I start to learn.



B&B’s Champion Corn Shucker
can you tell by looking at the picture?
Since [MENTION=105493]The Superior Shave[/MENTION] has used your stone, that's your best bet to ID the stone. Jarrod has likely had more cotis pass through his hands than anyone else here. If he doesn't know you could also message Ardennes directly.
Thank you :) I have no idea what kind it is can you tell by looking at the picture?

If that stone came from Jarrod, then he would be the best person to ask. He usually marks each stone for vein if it was labeled that way by Ardennes though.
I'm sure Maurice would be able to tell, since it's a recently mined piece.

At a glance, I might think La Petas but it could also be La Grise or something else too.
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