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Coticule love... show off your rock

quite. PM me in a bit and I can send you better pics. I am uploading a massive video to youtube and it is eating bandwidth.
... BTW, every vein of coti I have tried with those waves on the sides has been really good.

so, what yer sayin' is I should raid the piggy bank for this one?
$wavy coti.jpg
I bought this last week to prove a point. A few members were making it out like I was slightly exaggerating when I said $40 could get you a great coticule vs whatever they were currently paying for the current modern flavor of the month ebay finishers.


$12 delivered to my door. Since this is a priority mail small flat rate, I am spotting the seller $6 here. $6 for a coticule and a set of scales I can repurpose on another razor as they are in really good nick. The stone was practically free... Open your eyes and you may end up with something way nicer than a fake 12k hone.

I'm too sick to be lapping anything today, but here is the surface after a sheet of 220. Hard coti, very beautiful swirling wavy surface with manganese

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I lapped the coti side and cleaned up the chunking from the edges. BBW side needs more tidying up, but that is for another day. Weirdly, my la verte slurry stone which is hard as hell couldn't slurry this.

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Very very hard... It actually marked the slurry stone when I ran it over the chamfers to smooth them out... It didn't get that from actual la vertes... I might run some thin CA glue into that 90 degree manganese inclusion as there are a few spots where it has come out and I want to keep the moisture out. Just drizzle some in and give it one last light lap.
Just manganese inclusions. There are some pinholes of missing material in the thicker vein of it so I may drizzle some thin ca into it to be safe and give it one last quick lap.
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