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'COD: MW2' anyone?


I know I can't be the only B&B'er who's been attached to his Xbox/ Playstation since November 10th. Anyone care to discuss the greatest game ever?

Side note- my Xbox met a disasterous end a week before MW2's release. I had already pre-ordered the game... the experience of having a brand new game you've waited a year for in your hands without a console to put it in is an ordeal I hope to never encounter again :lol:

B&B Username/ XBL Handles:
tgarza: SilkBurrito

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B&B Tease-in-Residence
sorry, I'm too busy playing Dragon Age :lol:


How is that game btw? I was thinking of getting it till I saw the game play was similar to Knights of the Old Republic, which i didnt like.

Im playing COD: MW2. Im lvl 23 atm. Im not a hardcore player. My brother is in his 40's and his friend is 65. Im slow and steady :p
been playing as much as school allows (which is almost none), finished storyline last night. think i am mid twenties online rank, PC gamer here. only negative is i think they could make some more unique sniper maps modeled after some of the CoD4 maps. asside from that it runs great and graphics are impressive.
This game is awesome, I finished the single player which was short but still good within the first night. I think it took me about 5-6 hours. Im very good at fps's.

The multiplayer is where this game comes alive though. The new weapons and maps are awesome. It doesnt pay to just run around and shoot like a chicken with your head cut off. Im lvl 55 out of 70 and am planning to prestige this weekend, if not sooner.

If anyone is interested in playing, feel free to message me and ill shoot you my gamertag.
my 360 has the red ring of death, so no COD 2 for me :(

I feel your pain. That's the same boat I was in, I had the game but had to wait to set aside some money for a new console. I somehow went from planning to buy a $200 Xbox arcade and switch my hard drive to $350 for an Elite xbox bundle from Costco.

I didn't pick that up until Tuesday, so my plunge into MW2 hermitdom didn't start until then. I just hit the level 20 mark on XBL, just need to get to 40 so I can unlock that GD M-16 :thumbup1:
As a PC Gamer I'm jealous that you've been able to enjoy ur experience with MW2, I boycotted the game as they gutted the PC version of it, taking away many of the reasons we use a PC to game with IMO. Then they had the balls to announce their changes about 3 weeks before release! I canceled my preorder shortly after that.
I was so looking forward to playing MW2 with my clan and other clans that I associate with, plus the fact that my clan had 2 other clans lined up to play on our server box (about $80 in rental fees btw) went poof when IW announced that they wouldn't support dedicated servers.
Oh well, have fun!
COD never did it for me, I prefer the speed and mechanics of Halo. Playing Assassin's Creed 2 instead. So far, so great.
As a PC Gamer I'm jealous that you've been able to enjoy ur experience with MW2, I boycotted the game as they gutted the PC version of it, taking away many of the reasons we use a PC to game with IMO. Then they had the balls to announce their changes about 3 weeks before release! I canceled my preorder shortly after that.
I was so looking forward to playing MW2 with my clan and other clans that I associate with, plus the fact that my clan had 2 other clans lined up to play on our server box (about $80 in rental fees btw) went poof when IW announced that they wouldn't support dedicated servers.
Oh well, have fun!

That's a shame, I'm loving the game so far. I never was able to get into PC gaming, then again I never really tried it.

COD never did it for me, I prefer the speed and mechanics of Halo. Playing Assassin's Creed 2 instead. So far, so great.

I quit playing H3 when World at War came out, I'm the type of person that pretty much only plays one game at a time. Chances are I won't put another game into my Xbox until something else comes out :lol:.

On a side note, ODST was a lot better then I expected. It got old quick though. I watched my buddy play Assassin's Creed 2 the other night and it def looks like an awesome game, I just can't really get into anything that isn't a FPS.
That's a shame, I'm loving the game so far. I never was able to get into PC gaming, then again I never really tried it.

I quit playing H3 when World at War came out, I'm the type of person that pretty much only plays one game at a time. Chances are I won't put another game into my Xbox until something else comes out :lol:.

On a side note, ODST was a lot better then I expected. It got old quick though. I watched my buddy play Assassin's Creed 2 the other night and it def looks like an awesome game, I just can't really get into anything that isn't a FPS.

We played ODST for a few hours then sold it back to Gamestop. The exclusion of matchmaking was the killing blow. My gaming time is generally divided between Halo 3 with roommate (ranked doubles) and one RPG that I play when time presents itself.
Infinity Ward and MW2 can kiss my white ***.

PC version:
NO Dedicated Servers
NO Lean
NO Console
NO Mod Tools
$10 more

I will wait for BF Bad Company 2.
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Sounds like it's a good thing I never got into PC games..

I just got home from work and my agenda for the next 24 hours is wide open, time to play xbox until it's hot enough to fry an egg on :lol:

If anyone wants to play Xbox live my handle is SNARF440, if you add me let me know you're from B&B!
I'm SilkBurrito. I'll shoot you a friend request. Do I smell a B&B Clan?:w00t:

Sounds like it's a good thing I never got into PC games..

I just got home from work and my agenda for the next 24 hours is wide open, time to play xbox until it's hot enough to fry an egg on :lol:

If anyone wants to play Xbox live my handle is SNARF440, if you add me let me know you're from B&B!
Just got it today! I'll play through the campaign mode before I do online. It will be a late night tonight!

Sounds like it's a good thing I never got into PC games..

I just got home from work and my agenda for the next 24 hours is wide open, time to play xbox until it's hot enough to fry an egg on :lol:

If anyone wants to play Xbox live my handle is SNARF440, if you add me let me know you're from B&B!

Meh console gaming died when they quit making the Genesis and more importantly the Neo Geo...
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