NOTE: I am not trying to buy or fish for this razor outside of the BST forum just venting.
I almost had one last weekend but the guy flaked on me $250 just one city over from me probably a scam. I have tried everything imaginable to get my hands on one, BST, Ebay, Amazon and the one and only vendor with zero luck. This is the first razor I want but cannot get. Is this razor really as good as legend has it? DOes this razor shave any better than a high end DE like a Pils, Feather, Tradere etc?
I almost had one last weekend but the guy flaked on me $250 just one city over from me probably a scam. I have tried everything imaginable to get my hands on one, BST, Ebay, Amazon and the one and only vendor with zero luck. This is the first razor I want but cannot get. Is this razor really as good as legend has it? DOes this razor shave any better than a high end DE like a Pils, Feather, Tradere etc?