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**CLOSED**8000 Post PIF! (CONUS) Black Beauty, Schick G Type Injector Razor, Blades.

I'm in.
I've tried a few razors over the last year:
- RazoRock Mission
- EJ DE89
- Muhle R41
- Maggard close & open comb
- a couple Gem SE razors

Now my daily drivers are my Gillette Techs and my SuperSpeed, I found that I legitimately prefer mild vintage razors, on the affordable side, for my head shaving and beard cleanup.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Congrats! This was a very generous PIF, but I missed the time to enter it.

Now I am definitely interested in searching for a Type G!

G types go cheap on fleabay. Look a lot like E types but the handles have a seam. Pretty good shavers and I like the early deco look of them.
I'm in! I had a EJ89 but the got a Merkur 34c, gold gillette fat tech, and a super speed flair tip. I don't have an adjustable so this would complete my collection. I love the throwback to the time when everything wasn't rushed.
I'm in. Got a Fatboy, a black beauty, a New, a RR Stealth Slant, an Ikon 101, an ATT colossus with S2 and M2 heads. All 3 Merkur adjustables a Mühle R p41 and a couple of lesser razors.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Perhaps the OP can update the subject line so everyone knows it is closed.

Also, one should read the thread before declaring for a PIF, I believe. I think next time I PIF something, it will be a riddle type PIF with the answers in the thread, just to make sure that the winner at least reads the thread.
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