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**CLOSED**8000 Post PIF! (CONUS) Black Beauty, Schick G Type Injector Razor, Blades.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
This forum has put up with my rants and shenanigans for several years now and I want to give back a little. This bag of swag features a Gillette Super Adjustable DE razor, ("Black Beauty") and a Schick G type injector razor. Also included is a Bic Sensitive single blade throwaway and a Bic Metal single blade throwaway. A couple of blades for the Schick and a couple of Feathers for the SA. And whatever else I decide to throw in there. The G and the SA are both excellent razors for anyone, newbies included, so newbies, you are welcome to throw your hat in the ring. CONUS only, please. I dont like messing with postage and customs declarations and stuff. I will close this PIF on Friday or when I have at least 10 entries.

To be IN, state "I'M IN!" in your post. If you don't mind, tell us a little about what you have tried and what you have liked in the way of razors and shaving methods, what razors you have owned, stuff like that. Or why you want to win this PIF. Whatever.

Please re-PIF anything you don't like or don't use. Pass it on rather than letting it gather dust.
I'm in. Havent tried much as I am still relatively new to this. Have tried a few different blades with mediocre success as well as a few creams/soaps. So far the best has been with brushes, especially the Plissoft Monster.
I'm in.
I have tried '52 super speed, 40s style fat handle tech both with merkur blades, and neither one I liked. I have liked Gillette old style and Muhle R41 with Astra SPs.
I'M IN! I am just starting a blade trial, and am still experimenting with soap/creams. I have heard amazing things about the SA and haven't been able to find one in the wild! Awesome pif!
I'm in!

very new to this but so far my EJ89 with Rockwell blades is my favorite and I have several soaps but I am enjoying melting down VDH with different sents. I'm love with the Van Der Spice at the moment
Thanks for this generous offer. I'm in.

I am new, but I have tried the VDH/Weishi TTO w/ VDH blades, Merkur 34c w/ Astra SP, and the RazoRock Mission w/ Astra SP. All of the razors are good. The VDH blades were unimpressive. I really like the Astras. I am trying several soaps and creams. I am looking forward to trying more razors and blades. So far the Merkur w/ Astras is my favorite.
I'm in. Would love to try both the Gillette Super Adjustable DE razor ("Black Beauty") and the Schick G type injector razor. My current favorite is Cremo Cooling cream with a Merkur razor.
Hello Slash! Great PIF. I'm in, and thank you for this opportunity.
I have been around about three years or so here at the B&B, and I have been fortunate enough to have experienced many different vintage razors, and many fine shaving soaps and creams. I never got into aftershave tonics until this year, but I have enjoyed a few of them. One razor that has eluded me is a Super Adjustable Black Beauty. I had a short handled one, but it disappeared. And I bought a NOS one NIP as a gift for my germaphobe brother, but I had not opened the package before I gave it to him. So I would be very happy to win this PIF and try one out. But I would be equally happy to see any fellow wet shaver win this PIF as well. Thank you for the opportunity Slash. God Bless.
I'm in! Very generous of you!

I've only started wet shaving at the end of last year, but it's definitely become a bit of an obsession. I've tried several razors, blades, soaps, creams, and aftershaves, but haven't found that perfect setup yet, so I'm always open to trying different stuff. I don't have a Super Adjustable or an Injector yet, so I'd be happy to give them a shot.
I'm in.
I've tried many different razors, blades and aftershaves. Everything has worked out for me except for Derby blades and a Psycho Tech.
I'm in. as far as DE I have only tried a Gillette Slim and my go to is a Sterling 34c clone. I have a travel tech that I haven't tried quite yet.
Please count me in. I'm new to injectors and have heard thing about the Type G. Super Adjustable has been tempting me to break restraint.

If I win, I would like this sent to my son in Oakland as a sneaky way to get him started in DE Shaving. I'll ask him to open the package and check it all out.. and I'll send him some LaToja to get started.
I'm In! I'm a new wet shaver and have only tried a couple of razors so far. The Gillette Slim is my favorite with the other being a British Flare Tip. I'm liking this new hobby a lot and want to try everything I can get my hands on. Thank you for this contest.
I'm in. Been wet shaving a little while now, I have only tried de razor and a shavette. I am kind interested in injectors I haven't done any research just what I have heard in passing.
I'm in - great Pif slash!

I'm a total newbie so experience is limited. Ive tried the Merkur 34c and the Slim. I rushed things with the slim, and it bit me - so I'm sticking with just one will I master technique. Actually last night was my best shave yet so I'm hopefully to be trying new razors soon. I also have been using soap which was given to me as a gift....but can't wait to start buying new scents.
I've heard good things about the black beauty. I think it would be the perfect vintage for me to jump into next. Thanks for the Pif offer!
I'm very IN!
Super PIF with a Super Adjustable! I've been using two razors made before I was born, but the SA is from my generation. I also would like very much to try an injector. I can even get blades for it locally.
Thank you very much.
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I'm in. I've tried merkur 1904, Razorock jaws, 50's flare tip, Gillette new, Dovo Shavette, and a slim. I've since PIFed all but the Gillettes. I'm still on my soap hunt, and my blade ended up as a personna red(Israel). It's been a learning curve, but I'm glad I started. Thanks for the opportunity.
I'm in, if it's not too late.

I started with a free shave at the art of Shaving outlet. I wish I remember what razor she used, it was definitely a straight though. Then I bought myself a DOVO shavette and used that for a few years. My wife then bought me a beautiful straight razor that was promptly stolen during my time in the service. I stopped shaving for a while after that until I bought a Silver steel DOVO which I use now. It's my only shaver, I have a Spartacus TI I'm trying to teach myself to restore and a Wade and butcher wedge I hope to have shave ready soon.

As far as soaps I migrated from the art of Shaving stuff, I didn't care for it so i used it up. Then I bought castle Forbes lime everything which was amazing. Love that stuff. I ran out of that and started using my wife's canned goop. Just recently started using Pacific shaving company products which are lightly citrus scented and I love them.

Thanks for the opportunity to win some great gear!
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