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Clash of the Titans

I just saw Avatar. I was impressed (more so by the effect as compared to the plot). However, I was really impressed with one of the previews. A remake of Clash of the Titans is coming in 2010 and I am really pumped for this. I loved that movie as a kid. Looking back, the special effects were awful, but who cares. The preview for the remake looks awesome. Has anyone else heard about this?


My elbows leak
Staff member
I just saw Avatar. I was impressed (more so by the effect as compared to the plot). However, I was really impressed with one of the previews. A remake of Clash of the Titans is coming in 2010 and I am really pumped for this. I loved that movie as a kid. Looking back, the special effects were awful, but who cares. The preview for the remake looks awesome. Has anyone else heard about this?

Saw the trailer when I went to see the new "Holmes" film.
CGI instead of stop motion.
Looks worthy of a view.
eh, I'm not typically a fan of remakes, I may watch Clash when it comes out on video, just for the updated SFX - unless they do the typical over-reliance on CGI.
I might watch Karate Kid when it comes on TV, depends on if the grass has quit growing that day or not.
Saw the trailer when I went to see the new "Holmes" film.
CGI instead of stop motion.
Looks worthy of a view.

Can you explain the "stop motion" process? I know that is the process that Avatar used, but I do not understand (actually I have never had an explanation) how it works.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Stop motion is not filming, it is taking a model and arranging it in a position, taking a picture, then moving the model slightly, taking another picture - repeat until the sequence is done, then string all of the pictures together and shown as a film, it appears that the model is moving.
Think of the "claymation" films like Wallace and Grommet

Stop motion is not filming, it is taking a model and arranging it in a position, taking a picture, then moving the model slightly, taking another picture - repeat until the sequence is done, then string all of the pictures together and shown as a film, it appears that the model is moving.
Think of the "claymation" films like Wallace and Grommet


I see. Sounds like the old Gumby and Pokey cartoons.
I'm not much a of go to the movies kind of guy anyway, but I'd definitely be up for watching Clash of the Titans when it comes out on DVD.
The trailer looked great and I hope the CGI is good. I loved it when I was a kid and I look forward to it very much.

Could be a really big film?
To me, the horrible special effects is what made Clash of the Titans. I don't think I like what the new Kraken will be. It's too monstery based on the trailer.
I posted something about this months ago. I finally saw the trailer online a few weeks ago. I'm actually pretty excited for it. The Cracken and Medusa both look fantastic. I'll be seeing it when it finally makes it over here for sure. I'm not typically a fan of remakes either but the preview sure makes it look like they may have gotten it right.
Saw the preview last night, have to disagree with Slagle on the Cracken. Looks horribly overdone, and reminds me of a cross between the 1998 Godzilla and Alien.(I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's what came to mind:001_rolle) All the CGI looks way overdone to me, which usually means they didn't spend any time on the plot. I'm still going to see it though:001_tt2:

And for all the naysayers of the original, remember that Ray Harryhausen was an absolute master of stop motion. What you see on the screen was the best stop motion ever created, not "crap" or "horrible". You simply can't compare CGI of today with any other form of animation. Would you complain that the colors in "Duck Soup" looked "washed out" and "gray"?:wink2:
Saw the preview last night, have to disagree with Slagle on the Cracken. Looks horribly overdone, and reminds me of a cross between the 1998 Godzilla and Alien.(I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's what came to mind:001_rolle) All the CGI looks way overdone to me, which usually means they didn't spend any time on the plot. I'm still going to see it though:001_tt2:

And for all the naysayers of the original, remember that Ray Harryhausen was an absolute master of stop motion. What you see on the screen was the best stop motion ever created, not "crap" or "horrible". You simply can't compare CGI of today with any other form of animation. Would you complain that the colors in "Duck Soup" looked "washed out" and "gray"?:wink2:

I agree the Cracken definitely looked different but I was ok with it. And for the record I agree the stop motion in the original was epic! That's part of that movies charm. That is actually my fear for the remake is that the CGI will take some of the imagination out of it all.
The new animation will certainly change the feel of the movie, but it's the over the top look that I'm worried about. It would be nice to see a movie that's heavy on CGI, or any other types of special effects for that matter, to drop the attitude that seems to be so prevalent the past 10 years or so. Make movies and effects that are JUST RIGHT, not the biggest, baddest, loudest movie ever created. Oh well, maybe that's why Hollywood is rich and I'm not:rolleyes:
I haven't seen the trailer yet, but I'll be going to see it. I've known about the remake for about 2 years now. A friend of mine wrote the script. For his sake I hope it is really good.
Thought I'd give this one a bump with a trailer:

yep, Sam Worthington, local lad from my home town making big waves in Hollywood. I hope his successes don't go to his head
The remake looks promising and I am excited to see it. I loved the original as a kid, but the remake just doesn't have the Ray Harryhausen charm that made the original so special for me.
I'd like to put in a vote for the original's effects not being crappy or lousy or anything of that nature. It is simply a different process than using computers, and much of the time, it gives an awesome effect. The sheer time and effort involved in making stop motion means that there are few examples of it out there that are badly done, while there are thousands upon thousands of examples of badly done CGI, much of it very modern- take any given movie on the "Syfy" channel as an example.
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