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Chips on coticule

Yo honeboys,

I've spotted another coti on the bay that looks interesting however it has a number of chips along the edges, some bigger than others but I'd say nothing more than a few mm. Now I don't want to be bothered lapping it till they disappear as it'd be a waste of coti so if lapped and chamfered would these interfere with my honing? I feel not as the rest of the edge should help pass over them but I've never honed on a chipped coti which is why I'm asking the experts for advice!


B&B Tease-in-Residence
As long as you had flat surface to work with chamfering would not harm it.
Cheers Isaac. I've got a lovely glass shelf and some W&D to use on it. Once I've lapped I'll chamfer, and I guess you are saying that that should be enough. The chips on the side will be more cosmetic than detrimental to the edge?


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Ask long as it is all smooth and nothing would catch the edge, you should be fine.
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