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Cheapest shave setup you'll see today

Maybe ever.

First, my new shaving brush drip-dry device,

a 29 cent doodad/ornament hanger from Goodwill. It's made of steel so I superglued a strong button magnet to the top of the brush. I suppose the same setup can be used to hang a razor, but that'd only be practical for those of us who use just one. Anyway, total investment: two minutes work and a couple of bucks, mainly for a 4 pack of the magnets that I use elsewhere anyway.


Can't tell from pic but there's good clearance btw the bristles and the soap.

Next, my razor holder.

A big plastic-coated mughook from the hardware store. Screwed it into the bottom corner of my medicine cabinet.

Razor deploys readily and the hook rotates somewhat, so I can tilt the hanging razor to let it drip into the sink after its alcohol dip in the little Barbicide jar.

Set of 2 hooks: less than a buck.

So is there a B&B Cheapskate award? If so, do I win? :biggrin:
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You need to make it a little bit longer over that mug so you can make it swing and swirl over the puck and begin creating lather by itself.
Nice! I like the magnet idea. I'll have to keep that in mind when I do bathroom cabinets.

I did some cheap quick rigging with those suction cup holders. I used a smal hand torch to reform a razor holder to fit my Futur and a band saw to cut a toothbrush holder to fit my Progress and HD
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Nice! I like the magnet idea. I'll have to keep that in mind when I do bathroom cabinets.

I did some cheap quick rigging with those suction cup holders. I used a smal hand torch to reform a razor holder to fit my Futur and a band saw to cut a toothbrush holder to fit my Progress and HD

The suction cups look great, but every time I've ever used them to hold up anything - even a toothbrush or small pair of scissors - they eventually detatch and fall off without warning. Can't imagine them holding the weight of a razor for long - I hope that hasn't happened to you?
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I make sure the mirror is clean. I reattach them after the weekly chores. They have stayed up for the entire week. So far so good. I just don't have much counter space. Eventually want to get rid of the giant wall mirror and put in medicine cabinets. I figure if I make the cabinets with a metal plate on the bottom I could use your magnet idea and put the brushs on the bottom and let them drip dry.
Eventually want to get rid of the giant wall mirror and put in medicine cabinets. I figure if I make the cabinets with a metal plate on the bottom I could use your magnet idea and put the brushs on the bottom and let them drip dry.

A strip of thin banding steel would do you perfectly...if you have any machine shops or freight companies near you, check their dumpster some evening and bring a pair of snips with you - or just ask them if they have a piece laying around you can have (they always do). Epoxy it to the bottom of your cabinets and you're done.

Since you have wall mirrors, I think it'd be cool looking to buy the button magnets, glue one to the glass and the other to the bottom of a razor (make sure you got opposite poles outward first). Then your razor will appear to magically protrude from the mirror! On second thought, that's a goofy idea, forget I mentioned it.
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