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Cheap scuttle

I know that similar posts probably turn up regularly but I just had to tell someone about my bargain surprise!

I'm tired of trying to keep my lather warm by sitting it in a sink with just the right amount of hot water to keep the lather warm but not cause the bowl to float around in the sink (potential tragedy in the making when trying to rinse razor in the same sink).

So during my lunch break I took a look in my local discount "$2" shop for maybe a couple of bowls that would fit together nicely to form a cheap scuttle-type arrangement that I could sit on the bench beside the sink when I'm shaving.

While I was looking I came across a product called a "Thermo Bowl". It's a ceramic bowl and I thought "that's worth trying". See photo's below.

I bought it and when I got home from work I gave it a try. Sure enough, I took out the plug in the bottom, filled it with hot water, replaced plug and "you beauty" it didn't leak. So far so good. I also noticed that the bowl warmed up within a couple of minutes.

Then came the big test, is it ok for making lather? ...

YES again. So it looks like I might be on to a winner here and all for the bargain basement price of...


For this price I can't go wrong. I guess I will see tomorrow morning when I give it a proper test-drive and see how it performs in keeping the lather warm for 3 passes.
like it - I've got the mid size Dirty Bird scuttle & it just doesn't keep the lather warm - maybe the wall is too thick - now the trick is to find the "thermo" bowl here in the states.
That's a great idea..

How are you thinking you will use it? Fill it each time you use it or leave it filled and warm the bowl with the old water in it?

I would think leaving it full and setting the bowl in a basin of hot water prior to shaving, in a traditional manner, would work just fine.

like it ......... now the trick is to find the "thermo" bowl here in the states.

I agree... I am going to start at the local dollar store and discount home furnishing places..
How are you thinking you will use it? Fill it each time you use it or leave it filled and warm the bowl with the old water in it?

I was thinking of filling it each time I use it. But the idea of keeping the same water in it and pre-heating each time has me thinking as well. I'll try experimenting with it over the next week.

Maybe change the water every few weeks just to avoid any funk... and/or add a few drops of vinegar in the interim. You're probably going to soak your brush prior to your shave so just fill the main part of the bowl with piping hot water, drop your brush in to soak and let that heat the interior water.

Only issue I can see would be the added weight if you do as I do and store my lather bowl on the top of my shave cabinet..

Sydney Guy


Was this one of the national chains like The Reject Shop or an independent one?
I was thinking of filling it each time I use it. But the idea of keeping the same water in it and pre-heating each time has me thinking as well. I'll try experimenting with it over the next week.

I would be VERY careful trying that! Remember, there is no release for the steam that might be generated as there would be in a scuttle or a cup of water for tea heated in the microwave. You could easily blow your thermo-bowl apart.
I'd be worried about leaving the water in it and having it eventually leak out all over my cupboard.

That is pretty sweet, I'm going to have to keep an eye out for one.
I would be VERY careful trying that! Remember, there is no release for the steam that might be generated as there would be in a scuttle or a cup of water for tea heated in the microwave. You could easily blow your thermo-bowl apart.

Good call! Was forgetting my basic Physics again. :oops: That could have been disastrous :yikes:

I might have to buy another one of these just in case :001_smile
I found this: http://www.modalifestyle.com/links.html

The logo is the same that appears on your "Thermo Bowl".
They are from Australia... just in the other side of the world for me. :(

Yes, these are the ones. The website says that they are distributed by HomeWares Pty Ltd. They would appear to be located in Preston, Victoria, Australia. I grabbed their contact details and they are below:

Homewares Pty Ltd
Tel +61 3 9484 3184
Fax +61 3 9484 2077
96 Chifley Drive
Preston, Victoria
3072 Australia​
Email Homewares:
[email protected]
Well I gave the bowl a try this morning and thought I'd write up a quick review.

Method :

  1. Filled the inner chamber of the bowl with hot water from the tap, replaced plug, filled sink with hot water, placed bowl in hot water, filled bowl with hot water and placed brush in it to soak. (I thought that this would help heat up the bowl itself, thereby minimising the temperature loss before I started shaving)
  2. Had my usual pre-shave shower and face cleanse
  3. Removed bowl from sink, prepared lather and then placed bowl on the bench beside the sink
  4. Proceeded to shave as normal with three passes
  5. Clean out bowl, take out plug and drain the inner chamber (I have left the plug out of the bottom as this will help ensure it drains well and makes it easier

Temperature Performance : I found that the bowl kept the lather warm for my normal three passes but I'm not sure how it would go for say another five minutes or perhaps on a really cold morning.

Lathering ability : I was able to produce a good lather with TABAC soap no problems, however I found that the edges of the bowl would be better if they were just that little steeper towards the rim. It seemed to be a bit easier for the lather to go over the edge of the bowl than my normal bowl (cheap "rice bowl" type from local supermarket) I think this can be managed with technique though.

Overall : I think this is a great option if you are looking for something cheap to try out before buying a custom hand-made scuttle. You can't beat the fact that it costs $2.50!

To improve the performance I think you could experiment with using water boiled in a kettle, and let it sit for a minute or so before pouring into the inner chamber, to increase the initial temperature and therefore the length of time that the bowl retains the warmth of the lather. (This would probably need some trialling first because you don't want the bowl too hot and therefore likely to breakdown the lather)

Of course this doesn't stop me from wanting to buy a handmade scuttle from a local pottery in the long-run. :lol:

But it does confirm that I like to use a scuttle and this cheap alternative will do the job quite nicely until I come across a scuttle that "speaks to me" :biggrin1:


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Have you thought about buying a electric candle warmer for 5 bucks from Wal-Mart? You can set your bowl or scuttle on top of the warming plate on the bench next to your sink. The small warming plate keeps my scuttle water nice and warm without having to pre warm the scuttle, or get the outside of it wet. I just plug up the small cangle warmer ext to the sink pour even cold water into the scuttle, and set it on the warmer. by the time I get out of the shower to shave, the water in the scuttle is nice and very warm without being to hot. stays hot until I turn the plate off.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Have you thought about buying a electric candle warmer for 5 bucks from Wal-Mart? You can set your bowl or scuttle on top of the warming plate on the bench next to your sink. The small warming plate keeps my scuttle water nice and warm without having to pre warm the scuttle, or get the outside of it wet. I just plug up the small cangle warmer ext to the sink pour even cold water into the scuttle, and set it on the warmer. by the time I get out of the shower to shave, the water in the scuttle is nice and very warm without being to hot. stays hot until I turn the plate off.

Great idea with the Candle (Scuttle), Warmer...I think I'll try it with my Medium Robert Becker Scuttle :thumbup1:

Christopher :badger:
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