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CCW Types And Gear

I've been a CCW permit holder for nearly 20 years and carry almost daily. Over the years I've been carrying a Springfield Custom Loaded 1911 in a Bianchi OWB holster during the winter and a little S&W Model 669 (oldie but great little gun) 9mm in a Galco Summer Comfort IWB during the warmer months. Recently I decided to go with a single gun rig. The 1911 is nice, but no matter how you carry, it's fargin' heavy.

Anyway, I went with a S&W M&P 40C with a Tommy Theis IWB holster. I must say that I'm very happy with this set up. I highly recommend Tommy Theis holsters: http://theisholsters.com/holsters.php . They are the same principle as the Crossbreed SuperTuck, but, for me, I like them a bit better. The Tommy Theis comes with the combat cut with no extra cost, and aesthetically I prefer the clips on the Tommy Theis.

The whole set up is very concealable; able to wear it with just an untucked t-shirt and I'm able to actually forget that I'm carrying; something I could never do before.

Well, at this point I'm just yakking and forwarding information.

Thak looks nice... I have been carrying my M&P 40C in a different style inside the pant holster, it hides pretty nice.
I have a couple carry guns based on what I'm wearing. I have a LCP that I have a crossbreed and a pocket holster for based upon outfit, and a S&W 360 that I carry when I am dressed more casually.

The trigger pull on the LCP leaves a lot to be desired, but it's concealable in everything from business attire to gym shorts.
I usually carry either a Springfield Subcompact XD .40 in a paddle holster or a full frame XD. 45 in a paddle.

Open carry is alright, but a CPL is the way to go... Dont konw how your open carry works, but you can't operate a vehicle or motorcycle while you are open carry in our state. It really limits, plus I don't want someone having the drop on me, like to keep it a suprise!
In my state, with a CC permit, you can open carry a loaded firearm, but I don't. I live in the city and I don't think it a good idea to OC. That's me, though. Don't want to unnecessarily freak some folks out.

I noticed that this thread is in the Great Outdoors forum. I could swear that I put it originally in the Barbershop forum. Was it moved, or did I OP it in this forum? From what I understand, CCW discussions are supposed to go there? Just want to make sure that I'm not breaking any rules.

You mention the 1911 being heavy (and you're right), but I'm curious to know if you were carrying it on a gunbelt, or a regular "store bought" belt? Btw, I don't own an M&P40c, but I held one once, and that is a really small yet comfortable grip. Wouldn't mind having one someday. Ditto on open carry in the city. I've open carried while hiking here in AZ, and whenever I came across someone, I always felt a little strange. Never got so much as a look though, (it is AZ after all.)

You mention the 1911 being heavy (and you're right), but I'm curious to know if you were carrying it on a gunbelt, or a regular "store bought" belt? Btw, I don't own an M&P40c, but I held one once, and that is a really small yet comfortable grip. Wouldn't mind having one someday. Ditto on open carry in the city. I've open carried while hiking here in AZ, and whenever I came across someone, I always felt a little strange. Never got so much as a look though, (it is AZ after all.)


I carried it on a "real" gun belt; Bianchi Professional B29 1.5. It wasn't a bad carry, but after a day it got to be a real heavy hunk of iron.

The ergonomics of the M&P are very nice. I've shot both Glocks and Springfield XDs and for me the ergos of the M&P felt much better.

Also, regarding the OC, I live in a state with a lot of CCW permit holders. I feel that the concept of not knowing who may or may not be carrying is beneficial. Kind of a "mind your manners because you don't know who is armed and who isn't" thing.

But, then again, I'll be the first one to admit that I'm a bit twisted.

i carry daily a ruger LCP .380 in a rocky mountain *(i think) pocket holster.... allday/week/year comfy and i use a front pocket wallet and it just disappears behind it....
I'm a Glock guy through and through. I actually own two Gen 4 Glock 26's and one Glock 27 and alternate carrying them in Comptac M-tac holster. I carry 7 days a week, normally about 8-15 hours. I've fallen asleep in the M-tac, driven for 4 hours in it, etc... It's COMFORTABLE.

You'll probably ask why so many or why more than one 26? The police have one of mine, and knowing the laws, I was prepared with a back up in case I ever had to use one as I did. They don't know when I'll get it back yet, but I'm not worried since I've got a line up going for daily carry.
With 20 years of carry behind you, I pretty much figured you were using a proper gun belt. A mediocre holster on a good belt is certainly better than the best holster on a cheap soft and thin belt.

Mike P, I'm sorry you had to use one of them in a real situation. Glad you made it out of whatever that situation was. Sounds like you planned accordingly though.


I've been a CCW permit holder for nearly 20 years and carry almost daily. Over the years I've been carrying a Springfield Custom Loaded 1911 in a Bianchi OWB holster during the winter and a little S&W Model 669 (oldie but great little gun) 9mm in a Galco Summer Comfort IWB during the warmer months. Recently I decided to go with a single gun rig. The 1911 is nice, but no matter how you carry, it's fargin' heavy.

Anyway, I went with a S&W M&P 40C with a Tommy Theis IWB holster. I must say that I'm very happy with this set up. I highly recommend Tommy Theis holsters: http://theisholsters.com/holsters.php . They are the same principle as the Crossbreed SuperTuck, but, for me, I like them a bit better. The Tommy Theis comes with the combat cut with no extra cost, and aesthetically I prefer the clips on the Tommy Theis.

The whole set up is very concealable; able to wear it with just an untucked t-shirt and I'm able to actually forget that I'm carrying; something I could never do before.

Well, at this point I'm just yakking and forwarding information.


I use a bianchi suppression IWB for my 1911. It works great, I'm able to hide a full size 1911 on my 6' 130lb frame. (30" waist 42" chest)


My elbows leak
Staff member
Guys, Sorry for the confusion. This thread had been errantly moved to the Great Outdoors when in fact it belongs in the Barbershop.
Apologies for the error and the confusion.
Have any of you tried the Ruger SR9? I ask only because these have caught my attention since they came out. It looks to be a nice carry model but I have never carried and have never owned a DA nine, let alone a striker fired one.

Cheers, Todd
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