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Car Problem - Started Jerking After Filling Up at the Gas Station

This is the only time this has ever happened, but after filling up today, my '01 Cherokee started jerking and hesitating as I was on my way home. It drove just fine previous to that.

Something curious, though. The gas pump didn't automatically stop when it hit the top level inside the gas tank, I had to stop it myself. My gas gauge reads that it's over the full mark. Is it possible that I overfilled it, and if so, would that cause the car to jerk? Also, the check engine light flashes on and off.
Assuming all was well before you filled up-I'll give a shot in the dark. Most cars have a vent hose within the filler neck. Perhaps when you filled it, some fuel went into the vent hose and is preventing it from drawing air?
Something like this happened to me 20 years ago and my car stopped running. Turns out that the gas station managed to get a lot of water in their tank when they refilled it. Texaco paid the repair costs.
Something like this happened to me 20 years ago and my car stopped running. Turns out that the gas station managed to get a lot of water in their tank when they refilled it. Texaco paid the repair costs.
+1 for most likely cause.
More than likely bad gas. If the SES light is flashing have it towed. Do not drive it. You can do real damage to the engine!
most likely as some one said plugged vent line to EVAP purge Canister. The Canister is full of a Charcoal like substance. By chance are you the type of guy who like to Squeeze every
last penny of gas he can into his car?
most likely as some one said plugged vent line to EVAP purge Canister. The Canister is full of a Charcoal like substance. By chance are you the type of guy who like to Squeeze every
last penny of gas he can into his car?

Not at all. In fact, I like to keep it atleast 3/4 full at all times but I've heard that keeping it too full can cause problems, also.

By the way, took it out for a spin and everything seems OK now?
If the check engine light is still on, take it to Napa or Auto Zone or Oreilly's or somewhere like that and get the code read. That will help diagnose the problem faster than anything.
If the check engine light is still on, take it to Napa or Auto Zone or Oreilly's or somewhere like that and get the code read. That will help diagnose the problem faster than anything.
This would definitely be my first start as well. Auto Zone checks the code for free, so take advantage of that.

My car used to have a hesitation problem between first and second gear. For a long time I thought it was either the MAF, the fuel filter, or even the transmission. Here, it was that the spark plugs and wires needed to be changed. Your issue could be one of many things; hope you're able to figure it out!

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
You should tell the manager at that gas station. They need to be aware that they might have a problem.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I once had the same problem. It happened when I was filling my car at the same time as a tanker was filling up the stations holding tanks. I'm guessing the fuel going into the stations tanks stirred up all the sediment and gunk which normally sits on the bottom, and I then pumped into my fuel filter.
To start off with, make sure the gas cap is back on tight. No, seriously! If the cap is loose it can cause performance problems with the engine and cause it to throw a code or check engine light. If that doesn't do it, then get it checked out by a pro.
All good advice. Call the station and tell the manager when you filled-up and ask if anybody has complained about bad gas. He will most like say no. Take it to a parts store and see what the check engine code tells you. If it seems to be running fine now, it sounds like the EVAP.
most likely as some one said plugged vent line to EVAP purge Canister. The Canister is full of a Charcoal like substance. By chance are you the type of guy who like to Squeeze every
last penny of gas he can into his car?

Re-read the OP.

The pump didn't shut off so he unintentionally overfilled it.

And yes OP, your EVAP system is flooded.
It MAY self-correct over the next day or two, especially with the heat we've been having, but if not, you're going to need a new EVAP canister.
This would definitely be my first start as well. Auto Zone checks the code for free, so take advantage of that.
Not in California, and possibly other states.

As usual, the morons screwed it up for the rest of us.
Customer takes car to the parts store.
Parts store minimum-wage employee reads codes and recommends parts based on code.
Recommended parts don't fix problem, customer complains to the state.

California enacts law, pushed by the ASE, that prohibits businesses that are not in the business of actual auto repair from reading and diagnosing trouble codes or performing other repairs.
You can still borrow a code reader from them, but they are now legally prohibited from even touching your car to connect it, or even to install wiper blades.

Expect this to happen in at least 15 other states within the next few years.
My 2000 Cherokee does this a lot on hot days. Almost like it's not all the way fired up. Haven't really tried to troubleshoot it yet. I changed my air filter and am probably going to get new spark plugs.
Not in California, and possibly other states.

As usual, the morons screwed it up for the rest of us.
Customer takes car to the parts store.
Parts store minimum-wage employee reads codes and recommends parts based on code.
Recommended parts don't fix problem, customer complains to the state.

California enacts law, pushed by the ASE, that prohibits businesses that are not in the business of actual auto repair from reading and diagnosing trouble codes or performing other repairs.
You can still borrow a code reader from them, but they are now legally prohibited from even touching your car to connect it, or even to install wiper blades.

Expect this to happen in at least 15 other states within the next few years.
That is an absolute load of sh*t. I really hope that this doesn't happen where I live.
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