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Can't Use a Feather Blade

I've tried and tried to repeatedly use a Feather blade, and no matter how lightly I use the razor (a EJ DE89 and 34C) my face is way too sensitive for this blade. I get break outs every time I use this blade.

I really wanted it to work given its great reputation.

The blade I get the best result with is the Israeli Red Personna.
It is strange but I got better (**excelent**) results with this blade in open comb razors.

When I try it in safety bar razors I got razor burn and a lot of irritation..
It hurt when I tried it first time. 6 months later it didn't hurt in a Blue Tip but did in a Slim. Now after 18 month it works in a Slim, a Tech or an Old style OC.
Use a more forgiving blade like an Astra or a Gillette Yellow, and work on your technique. No pressure, let gravity work. Refine your angle.
No one blade is for everybody. Go with the blades that work for you.

That said, you may want to revisit Feather in six months or so, to see if your technique has evolved and if it makes a difference. It may, it may not. (See above.)
I just recently gave Feathers another try after avoiding them due to a lot of razor burn and irritation on my neck. When I first tried them I had to chuck the blade after the 2nd shave and my face felt all chewed up. This time I was able to get 4 shaves out of a blade and the only time I got irritation was when I went for a try at ATG. The only things that changed were more experience and I worked on my lathering technique, the latter helped tremendously. I have the EJ DE89.

I forgot to add I was using Astra blades during my break from the Feathers, those also chewed my face up, but a lot less, until I got better.
Don't fret about your technique too much. Just use a better blade. I feel like I'm becoming the apostle of St. Pete, but the Russian blades really are better. Not "more forgiving" (a euphemism). Better.
Don't fret about your technique too much. Just use a better blade. I feel like I'm becoming the apostle of St. Pete, but the Russian blades really are better. Not "more forgiving" (a euphemism). Better.
More forgiving isn't necessarily a euphamism. I view it in terms of meaning "easier to use" and that makes a more forgiving blade better than a Feather for me. Feathers are very sharp and smooth, but punish EVERY lapse in technique and die after a few shaves. Annoying, especially considering their price.
If Feathers don't work for you move on. I can get two decent shaves with Feather blades but at their price it is not worth it. Yes, Feathers are sharp. But for me they get dull very fast. Every six months or so I give them another try with the same result (yes, I bought more than one pack.) :huh:
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