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can't help myself - auction lot

I won these today -

Two Simpsons, a little Kent (all restoration projects, I imagine) - and a boar Acca Kappa (?) -


any information on the Simpsons? Or the Kent...?

And what's an Acca Kappa? (I've found references to a few high-end badger brushes by AK, but nothing like the one in the pic.)

And the Simpson travel brush - I believe at least two members have these - I'll appreciate any info - name, size, etc.


The Realmont & the green & white one (Simms) are throw-ins as far as I'm concerned - though they might be nice restored.....

thanks, all.

Happy holiday weekend - and appreciation and good thoughts to any and all active duties & vets out there.

That's a really nice score. Congratulations!

I'm no expert on these things, but those brushes look to be in pretty good shape as they are (especially the Simpsons.) Instead of restoring them right away, just give them all a good cleaning and see how much life they still have in them.
I like the simpsons it looks like a butterscotch eagle.Open up the green and white for a 24 fan would make an excellent looking restore.Nice score.I was wondering if a member was bidding on it.
Congrats Jon :thumbup1:

That Simpson and Kent almost had me bidding on it too.....

Yes, hard to resist......

Was hoping someone from the BBBBB got it :biggrin1:
Yup....I was the one that bid you up! Thought I would have a hard time explaining to the wife if I went any higher. Really thought that it would have gone higher. if I'm going to lose by a buck, at least it was to a fellow member! Enjoy!! That travel Simpson looks unique!
Congrats. You sure have some nice brush handles for your restoration projects. Now you can start to decide which knot to put in each base. I'm sure they will be great.
Congrats, Jon. I was watching this too. That Simpson on the front left looks an awful lot like an Eagle.

EDIT: Spanx called this first.
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thanks, men -

I'm starting to enjoy the vintage brushes (restored or not) as much (or more?) than my newer ones... (we'll see how the 09 LE makes me feel when it arrives).

I am going to give these a chance before I cut on 'em - I'm hoping the original knots are intact - wouldn't that be great!

I came up short on a similar travel brush a few months ago (and there was another made by Simpson for B. Altman - didn't win that either)... a member has shown one on the "Butterscotch Eye Candy" thread - p. 4, I believe.

That Kent is teeny, isn't it?

I'll post pics and descriptions when they arrive.

...an Eagle, hmmm?

Have a great weekend, all!
Jon, When your LE09 arrives you will LOVE it! I was getting ready to shave this morning when I heard a knock on the door. It was FedEx and my brush! I had to take the Shavemac 177 out of the sink and put the LE in. What a brush!

I definitely was bidding on that lot and the other one that had the simpson butterscotch as well. Missed out on the other lot by $1 :angry:

Glad to see this went to a forum member
What did it end at? I saw it at $81 if I recall and decided that was just above my price range, sadly had to pass, but glad it went to a B&B'er. Congrats. If you wanna get rid of the brush with stand. (Simpson's travel), let me know. ;)
I am going to give these a chance before I cut on 'em - I'm hoping the original knots are intact - wouldn't that be great!

Yeah, if the knots aren't completely stuffed or falling out leave them as they are. The Kent doesn't look like it's been used ,not quite sure about the Simpson.

That Kent is teeny, isn't it?

The Kent people should be able to clarify it for you but I think the Kent brushes that shape ( but bigger ) went for quite a while and were known as the V series.

Looks like you've got a mini V

"Dr. Evil: Mini-V , you complete me. " :lol:
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Yeah, if the knots aren't completely stuffed or falling out leave them as they are. The Kent doesn't look like it's been used ,not quite sure about the Simpson.

The Kent people should be able to clarify it for you but I think the Kent brushes that shape ( but bigger ) went for quite a while and were known as the V series.

Looks like you've got a mini V

"Dr. Evil: Mini-V , you complete me. " :lol:

actually I have a V8 awaiting restoration. (Really - a V8 - BIG boy! 28mm knot....) What a pair - a V8 & a mini-V!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I was watching that lot but it all ended up being too rich for my blood. Some nice brushes,

I actually think the green one will look really smart restored.
Those are some nice brushes, Jon. I'm especially intrigued by that Simpson's travel brush. I saw a brush just like it about a month ago in an antique shop, but I didn't see any labeling on it. It looked really neat, but I don't know much about old brushes. So, I didn't get it. If I had known it was a Simpson's brush, then I would have picked it up. Maybe I'll have to go see if it is still there.
What did it end at? I saw it at $81 if I recall and decided that was just above my price range, sadly had to pass, but glad it went to a B&B'er. Congrats. If you wanna get rid of the brush with stand. (Simpson's travel), let me know. ;)

I bid it up to 88.99.....went for a dollar more! Just glad it went here...pretty sure my wife is glad it went for a dollar more as well!

You devil you......:blink:

yeah. devil w/out a dime!

I've been involved in a LOT of auctions for vintage... stuff lately. Win some, lose some... but I'm never surprised to find that usually it is one or two of us here from B&B chasing prices upwards!

...ain't we something?
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