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Cant decide on a brush mixing bowl

I have the Sarah bonnyman small scuttle and now im looking for a mixing bowl. I cant decide on the Sarah b mixing bowl or the one from dirty bird matching colors are not a big deal since it sits under my sink. Need opinion on which is better.
True those would do the job but I if I got the sarah b and they matched I would display it. But my gripe was the price of sarah b one where the dirty bird was 12 plus shipping then its not much more then the target bowl. Dont you hate getting bonuses then you have to spend a bunch of time finding out what shaving gear you dont need.
Old Time Pottery has a ton of items that could function as a cool lathering bowl. I spent twenty minutes looking amongst all of the stuff and settled on a large mug with a handle big enough to stick your thumb in for my dad for Father's Day.
Pick up a small stainless cooking bowl. They work great, can be found for a few dollars and nothing bad will happen if you accidentally drop it.
I've found a nice french onion soup bowl that's almost perfect dimensions. try looking for one of those maybe? they seem to be rather nicely colored, with useful handles but are not too expensive either.

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I started with a $4 cereal bowl from BB&Beyond, moved on to a slightly more functional $7 rice bowl from Macy's, and now use one of the Sarah B bowls. IMO, the Sarah B bowl is worth the extra coin. It just works better, and it's sized perfectly. I wish I had just gotten it first.
The Sarah B bowl won't disappoint; whether you're going to spend the extra coin is really up to you, but the ridges in my Dirty Bird seem to help with creams (I face lather soaps mostly, but often bowl lather creams).
I started with a $4 cereal bowl from BB&Beyond, moved on to a slightly more functional $7 rice bowl from Macy's, and now use one of the Sarah B bowls. IMO, the Sarah B bowl is worth the extra coin. It just works better, and it's sized perfectly. I wish I had just gotten it first.

I was worried about the size since I do have a pretty big brush, do you guys have a picture with a brush inside the bowl I am convinced on her bowl now
Good luck finding a nice bowl. Let us know when you succeed, but be sure to observe B&B etiquette:

1. You MUST always say how much it cost.

2. It CANNOT cost more than 6 dollars.

Violation of these rules will result in suspension of your membership.
I was worried about the size since I do have a pretty big brush, do you guys have a picture with a brush inside the bowl I am convinced on her bowl now

I'll see if I can snap a pic of mine tonight and post it. Unless you have a really, really big brush, I think this bowl should accommodate.

Good luck finding a nice bowl. Let us know when you succeed, but be sure to observe B&B etiquette:

1. You MUST always say how much it cost.

2. It CANNOT cost more than 6 dollars.

Violation of these rules will result in suspension of your membership.
Good luck finding a nice bowl. Let us know when you succeed, but be sure to observe B&B etiquette:

1. You MUST always say how much it cost.

2. It CANNOT cost more than 6 dollars.

Violation of these rules will result in suspension of your membership.

It seems to me that when it come to shaving purchases you will see people sparing no expense when it comes to things like razors, blades, soaps, creams, brushes and aftershaves. Yet when it comes to a bowl to mix it all up in it seems it is the cheaper the better.
True that but at the same time one bowl does not fit all brushes so that makes the decision harder.

That would be great if you could take a pic
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