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Can this Fat Boy be saved?

Just got my first FatBoy couple of months ago. Love it. It's a '59 in great shape. I shave in shower and it hangs below mirror. Our maid, not appreciating the great virtue and value of a FatBoy, knocked it to the floor causing damage shown in the pix I hope to attach. At least I have a backup '47 SuperSpeed but I don't like it quite as much. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. $129.jpg$125.jpg
It appears that you may be able to pop the displaced door back onto the hinge. Better take it slow and easy but you have nothing to lose. My first thought was, "geez, he must have drooped that from the 2nd story window!".
Bet you can. I had to pop one of the doors back into place on my son's Slim Adjustable. Took a noticeable push, but it worked.
***Edit___Welcome to B&B Codger.___Edit***

What year is it? The earlier ones come apart easier. Does your locking cap have notches like the razor in the video? I upgraded the doors on one this last weekend. Very doable if it is only a door popped off it's piviot. You would do steps 1 and 2 from the above video, remount door, then reassemble.
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Rethinking this a bit, you may wish to try slipping a small flat screwdriver blade in and ever so gently flex the two mating parts enough to slide the door arm back over the pivot stud. This would allow you to avoid disassembly completely. Best of luck to you.
It can be done without removing the whole door assembly thing, but it's a lot harder to do, and easier to scratch up the finish and/or bend the hinges too far.
Rethinking this a bit, you may wish to try slipping a small flat screwdriver blade in and ever so gently flex the two mating parts enough to slide the door arm back over the pivot stud. This would allow you to avoid disassembly completely. Best of luck to you.

+1 it always work.
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