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Can someone tell me what GEM this is?

I just got this off the bay & was wondering what kind of GEM razor it is? I've never shaved with a SE until today and was a wonderful experience going to this from an electric. It says on the back "GEM CULTERY CO. NEW YORK U.S.A." & "USE ONLY WITH GEM DAMASKEENE BLADES" Thanks in Advance for you help.
This razor is in decent shape but could use a good cleaning, how would one go about that? Thanks
This razor is in decent shape but could use a good cleaning, how would one go about that? Thanks

Soak in hot hot water and dish soap. Scrub it with an old toothbrush. Hit it with some Scrubbing Bubbles maybe and finish with a little polish like Maas. It will look bea-u-ti-ful!
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