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Can someone tell me about the Gillette Knack? Buying self a N birthday gift.

With my birthday in a few days, I was looking around the bay for a birth year razor, and found that most of what is available is the Knack....

how is it as a shaver? What should they go for? Was it that popular in 1968 that there is an abundance?

unfortunately there is nothing nice available in a birth quarter N-4 right now.... But lots of 123s
I found it to be a mild but capable razor
Kind of like a "little brother" to the Schick krona
The late great "Cooncatbob" used to use the heads to make a custom handled TTO so obviously the TTO mechanism works fine

As for what they go for I got mine for under $12.00 delivered to Canada
There were quite a few around if I recall lots of NOS in box units

Good Luck
I found it to be a mild but capable razor

I agree, a mild but capable shave. Somewhat head heavy, as the handle is plastic. I've owned two Knacks, and both were excellent quality shavers.

I would say they are should sell for around $20. They are not exactly heavily sought after.
The Knack uses a Super Speed head with the TTO using a collar mounted under the head, with the handle mounted below the TTO collar. Even with the plastic handle, the extra length of the handle balances the razor well. The last redesign of the SS head removed metal from the baseplate and spider assembly, but mounting the TTO so close to the head helps push the weight bias toward the head.

They are quite capable razors. The longer handle length fells more "natural" to guys who have only experienced modern cartridge razors, and makes for a great "first time" DE. For the experienced DE user, they shave much like the Super Speed that they evolved from - smooth, predictable, and very capable when used with a sharp blade.

The Knack's international cousins, the Slim Twist and G1000, are also worth having in one's collection or rotation. They don't get the love that they deserve . . .
thanks guys, i will look at whats up for sale, and see if i can snag a bargain!
maybe something else will pop up with my birth year/quarter while i am window shopping
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