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Can somebody sell me a razor?

I'm a newb that's been looking to pick up a razor. I've been looking on the BST and SRP Classifieds trying to find a razor, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for, and everything seems to sell within seconds. I'm wondering if anybody is willing to sell me a $35-45 shave ready razor that's good for a beginner. Can you guys hook me up? :ouch1:

Thanks Guys
I've got some razors that are ideal for a new guy. The razors are called Hoffritz and they are a great starter razor. Actually, they are just a great razor. I bought them cheap and I'm selling them to guys like you for a low price.

Drop me a pm if you are interested and I will prepare one for you. The price is $45 which includes making the razor shave ready. I accept paypal but at the low price, you will need to pay the paypal charges.
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