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Can A Mattress Be Cleaned?

Wife and I have been looking for someone to clean our mattress. Kids and chocolate milk do not mix on such an expensive investment. We tried our regular Stanley Steamer we use and they said they can't do it. Im assuming because of the moisture.

I want to do something since we're moving and will have sheets off and can take our time cleaning it. Im sure someone has stains of somekind:blushing:? Home remedy or secret potion?

yes they can. I have used a steam cleaner on them and also a carpet cleaning machine. Once you use one of those, place it in the sun to naturally "bleach" it and dry it further....to get what the machine could not vacuim out.
If you can find a good professional with a truck mounted steam cleaning unit that is used for carpet cleaning then they can generally get just about anything out of the mattress. I would find a good company and ask if they will do mattress cleaning. The portable plug-in steam cleaners may only get our surface dirt but it depends on the mattress and the stain.
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