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Calling all Boston locals & etc.

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Should we meet at the synagogue? Seriously -- mazel tov! & we'll definitely do this more than once.
Should we meet at the synagogue? Seriously -- mazel tov! & we'll definitely do this more than once.

That's fine. And he will be totally pleased if, as a gift, you give him a near-mint 1958 Fatboy w/case, a Shavemac silver tip badger brush, 100 Feather blades, and several pucks of Tabac and MWF. Yes, he has specifically asked ME for this. HE will be very appreciative.


Jeff in Boston
Sounds as good as a Waterman pen that I was thinking would be a good gift for a bar mitzvah and his father!
Just a reminder about our Boston meet-up next Saturday, April 24 at Colonial Drug in Harvard Square. Bring any show & tell items or photos & good stories.

How will we recognize each other? Wear your B&B button.
Any idea what time we'll be back in the T-accessible universe? I have Red Sox tickets for Saturday, so I may have to sneak away a tad earlier than would be ideal.
You can't meet up without the B&B button. You should have already received yours. No?
And badger tie pins.

As for the B&B buttons -- I was just kidding but maybe I cam get made before Saturday.
My assumption is that I'm being taken to some country back road only to be forced to shave dry, at gun point, with a Fusion and a can of Edge gel. I'll be left alone and bleeding in the field while the other guys go home to post the video on YouTube. Or something like that.
My assumption is that I'm being taken to some country back road only to be forced to shave dry, at gun point, with a Fusion and a can of Edge gel. I'll be left alone and bleeding in the field while the other guys go home to post the video on YouTube. Or something like that.

OK, who is the one that "tipped you off"?:biggrin1:
If you're planning to meet at Colonial Drug tomorrow -- send a PM with your cell # so we can be sure to find each other!
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